2020年1月31日,在Priminds Shipping (HK) Co Ltd v Noble Chartering Inc [2020] EWHC 127 (Comm)一案中(判决请见),英格兰与威尔士高等法院(以下简称法院)认为,承租人或其代理人将拟定的提单交给船长或其代理人签署,关于货物表面状况良好的陈述仅仅是邀请船长根据其对货物表面状况的评估作出独立的事实陈述,而非对货物表面状况陈述准确性的保证。承租人或其代理人无需就货物表面状况陈述的不准确向出租人作出赔偿。
Noble Chartering Inc(以下简称Noble)与船舶所有人签订了定期租船合同。2012年6月29日,Noble作为二船东/出租人与承租人Priminds Shipping (HK) Co Ltd(以下简称Priminds)签订了航次租船合同,约定Noble将船舶出租给Priminds装运散装粮食从巴西运往中国。托运人以1994年版金康提单格式拟定了提单并交给船长或其代表签署。2012年7月29日,船长或其代表签署了提单。提单载明:“装船时清洁(Clean on Board)”,且未作出任何保留。提单背面条款第2条并入了《海牙规则》。
法院认为本案产生的法律问题是:(1)托运人拟定的提单中所载的“装船时清洁”和“在装货港装船时外表状况良好”的措辞是否相当于托运人或Priminds对货物表面状况的一项陈述或保证,还是相当于邀请船长根据其对货物表面状况的评估作出事实陈述。(2)根据上述问题的答案,基于仲裁员所作的事实认定,提单中所作陈述在法律上是否不准确。(3)如果提单陈述在法律上不准确,Priminds是否应当就提单陈述不准确所产生的后果向Noble作出赔偿,无论是根据法律实施的默示保证还是根据合同的默示保证或条款。(the issues of law identified by the claimant are: i) Did the words "Clean on Board" and the words " …. SHIPPED at the Port of Loading in apparent good order and condition…" in the draft B/L presented to the agents for signature on behalf of the Master amount to a representation or warranty by the shippers and/or the claimant as to the apparent condition of the cargo observable prior to loading or were they an invitation to the Master to make a representation of fact in accordance with his own assessment of the apparent condition of the Cargo; ii) In light of the answer to (i), whether on the findings of fact made by the Arbitrator any statement in the B/L was inaccurate as a matter of law; and iii) If so, arethe claimants obliged to indemnify the defendants against any consequences of that statement being inaccurate whether pursuant to an implied indemnity arising by operation of law or an implied contractual warranty or term.)
针对当事人的论点,首先,法院援引The David Agmashenebeli [2003] 1 Lloyds Rep 92案的观点认为,当承租人或作为其代理人的托运人提交载有与涉案提单措辞相同或相似的关于货物表面状况声明的提单供船长签署时,承租人或托运人是在邀请船舶所有人通过其代理人(船长)就所装运货物的表面状况作出陈述,而不是对所陈述事实准确性的保证,提单中的陈述(一旦提单经船长签署)也不是对所装运货物实际状况的陈述。(It is necessary to start with a summary of the purpose and effect of a ship's master's statement as to apparent condition. When the charterer or shipper on his behalf tenders a bill of lading for signature by the Master that contains a statement as to apparent condition in the same or similar terms to the wording in the B/L, the charterer or shipper is inviting the shipowner by its agent the Master to make a representation of fact as to the apparent condition of the goods on shipment – see The David Agmashenebeli [2003] 1 Lloyds Rep 92 per Colman J at 103 RHC. It is not a warranty as to the accuracy of the represented facts, nor is the statement in the bill (once it is signed by the Master) a representation as to the actual condition of the goods shipped.)经船长签署的提单中的陈述向来被认为会达案到此种效果(参见最近的The Saga Explorer[2012] EWHC 3124; [2013] 1 Lloyds Rep 401案)。
船舶所有人对托运人负有记载货物表面状况的义务(参见Cooke, Voyage Charters,4th Ed.,para. 85-145),该陈述的目的在于记录承运人关于货物装船时表面状况的证据。收货人和其后的所有提单持有人可以依赖该提单,认为它反映了一个富有能力和善于观察的船长的合理判断。(参见The Saga Explorer (ibid.) at paragraph 33)
清洁提单可以达到禁反言的效果,排除承运人证明货物在装船时表明状况不良,继而声称货物在装船时存在经合理检查能够发现的明显外部缺陷(precluding the carrier from proving that the goods were not in apparent good order and condition when shipped and therefore from alleging that there were at shipment external defects in them that were apparent to reasonable inspection)(参见Silver v. Ocean Steamship Company Limited [1930] 1 KB 416案)。但是,如果货物缺陷在装船时经过合理检验并不明显……无条件签署提单并不妨碍船舶所有人证明货物的真实状况(参见The Nogar Marin [1988] 1 Lloyds Rep 412 at 421)。
除以上判例外,涉案提单中并入的《海牙规则》适用于本案争议。《海牙规则》第3条规定提单应载明“为辨认货物所需的主要标志”,货物的“包数或件数,或数量,或重量”。重要的是,以上信息由托运人以书面形式提供。然而,该条继续规定,提单应载明“货物的表面状况”,这并非由托运人以书面形式提供,如前所述,这完全应当由承运人(或船长作为其代理人)进行评估。《海牙规则》第5条规定,托运人应被视为已在装船时向承运人保证,由他提供的标志、件数、数量和重量均正确无误,但对于货物的表面状况,不存在这样的保证。(By HR, Art. III, Rule 5 a warranty is deemed to have been supplied by the shipper to the carrier in respect of the information "… furnished in writing by the shipper" pursuant to HR, Art. III, Rule 3 but there is no such guarantee deemed to be given in respect of the apparent order and condition of the goods – see Carver onBills of Lading, 4th Ed., at paragraph 9-173.)从《海牙规则》的条款来看,原因显而易见,货物的表面状况并非是托运人作出的保证,因为关于货物表面状况的陈述应当由船舶所有人或作为其代理人的船长通过评估后作出。在进行评估时,船长并非根据托运人提供的信息行事,而是进行独立评估。
在本案中,仲裁员认定货物受损在装船前就已经存在,但在装货时或装货期间,船长、船员、装卸工人或Priminds的任何代理人不能合理地发现该缺陷。在这种情况下,船舶所有人和Noble履行了他们的主要义务,在合同目的地以货物装船时的表面良好状态交付货物。(the Arbitrator found the damage from which the beans were suffering was damage that existed prior to shipment but was not reasonably visible to the Master or crew or the stevedores or any agent of the claimant at or during loading. In those circumstances the Shipowner and defendant complied with their prime obligation to deliver the goods at the contractual destination in the apparent good order and condition they were in when shipped.)
因此,对于第一个法律问题,法院认为,托运人提交提单供船长或其代理人签署,关于货物表面状况良好的陈述仅仅是邀请船长根据其对货物表面状况的评估作出事实陈述。(I conclude that by presenting the draft B/L for signature by or on behalfof the Master, in relation to the statement concerning apparent good order and condition, the Shipper was doing no more than inviting the Master to make are presentation of fact in accordance with his own assessment of the apparent condition of the Cargo.)
鉴于仲裁员已认定货物受损在装船前就已经存在,且在装货时或装货期间无法被船长、船员、装卸工人或Priminds的任何代理人合理发现,法院认为提单中所作陈述在法律上没有不准确。(In light of the finding by the Arbitrator that the damage from which the beans were suffering was not reasonably visible to the Master or crew or the stevedores or any agent of the claimant at or during loading, I answer question (ii) by holding that the B/L was not inaccurate as a matter of law.)
如前所述,当事人之间的合同中并入了《海牙规则》,《海牙规则》就承租人提供的信息的准确性施加了明示的保证义务,但并未就关于货物表面状况的陈述向承租人施加此种义务,该规定是有意为之。因此,法院认为不存在关于默示保证。(The claimant and defendant's contract was contained in the Charterparty. It incorporated the HR. The HR makes specific provision for what indemnities apply as I have explained already. The scheme of the HR is to impose on a charterer an express indemnity obligation in respect of information furnished by the charterer. The scheme does not provide for such an obligation in relation to statements concerning apparent order and condition of cargo. That was a deliberate omission for the reasons I have explained. In those circumstances there is no room for the implication of an implied guarantee or warranty.)
法院援引最高法院在Marks and Spencer Plc v. BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Co (Jersey)Limited [2015] UKSC 72; [2016] AC 742案和Ali v. Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago [2017] UKPC 2; [2017] ICR 531案中所述的适用于条款默示含义的原则,认为只有为了赋予合同商业效力或当条款含义明显到不言而喻的程度时,才有必要解读条款的默示含义(In summary, terms are to be implied only if to do so is necessary in order to give the contract business efficacy or was so obvious that it goes without saying)。合同默示条款的含义不得与明示条款不一致(no term may be implied into a contract if it would be inconsistent with an express term)(参见UTB LLC v. Sheffield United Limited [2019] 2322 (Ch) at paragraph 203)。最后,最近的判例强调,在考虑将默示条款纳入资源丰富的当事人所精心制定、经专业起草和谈判达成的协议时,需要格外谨慎。
将上述原则适用到涉案租船合同中,法院认为,在《海牙规则》的起草者可以作出明示规定但决定不这样做时,试图将此种规定默示进合同中,使Priminds通过默示含义向Noble承担保证责任在原则上是错误的。(Applying those principles to the Charterparty leads me to conclude that it would be wrong in principle to attempt to imply into this contract a provision that makes the claimant liable by implication to indemnify the defendant when the drafters of the HR could have but decided not to provide expressly for such a provision.)在涉案裁决中,仲裁庭认定Priminds对货物表面状况陈述的准确性负有默示保证义务,并应当为该陈述不准确承担责任。法院认为仲裁庭的此项认定有误,故支持了Priminds对这个法律问题的上诉。
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10-15 来源:柳邦声 世界海运
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