2019年7月26日,在Bilgent Shipping PTE Ltd. and others v ADM International SARL and others [2019] EWHC 2522 (Comm)一案中,英格兰与威尔士高等法院(以下简称法院)对涉案两份租船合同——《主租船合同》和《转租合同》的解约条款作出解释,认为对于《转租合同》,装卸准备就绪通知没有及时递交,承租人Bilgent有权选择解除合同;对于《主租船合同》,装卸准备就绪通知已经及时递交,承租人ADM无权选择解除合同。因此,法院支持了Bilgent根据《仲裁法》第69条对仲裁裁决提出的上诉,并驳回了ADM根据《仲裁法》第69条对仲裁裁决提出的上诉。
1. 《转租合同》的相关条款
《转租合同》第14条对装卸准备就绪通知作出如下规定:“船舶在装货港的准备就绪通知书须通过邮件/传真在周一至周五的08:00至17:00,以及在在周六的08:00至11:00,船舶也已经进入海关时,递交承租人或其代理人的办公室。装卸时间将在下一个工作日的08:00开始计算,参见第43条、第44条和第74条(Notification of the vessel's readiness to load at the loading port must be delivered by mail/fax at the office of Charterers or their agents, between 0800 hours and 1700 hours from Monday to Friday, between 0800 hours and 1100 hour on Saturday, Vessel also having been entered at the Custom House. Laytime is to commence 0800 hours the next working day, also see Clauses 43,44,74)。
2. 《主租船合同》的相关条款
《主租船合同》第4条为受载期和解约日条款,其中规定:“如承租人要求,装货时间不得早于2015年4 月/5月1日00:01开始计算。如果船舶的装卸准备就绪通知没有根据第17条的规定在2015年4月/5月的30号/31号23:59递交并接受,承租人或其代理人在之后任何时候,但不迟于递交装卸准备就绪通知后1小时,可以选择解除本租船合同。最迟在首个受载期前30天,租船人须把受载期的跨度缩短为10天。”(Laytime for loading, if required by Charterers, not to commence before 0001 on 01st day of April/May2015. Should the vessel's notice of readiness not be tendered and accepted as per Clause 17 before 2359 on the 30th/31st day of April/May of 2015, the Charterers or their Agents shall at any time thereafter, but not later than one hour after the notice of readiness is tendered, have the option of cancelling this Charterparty. Charterers to narrow Laycan into a 10 days spread latest 30 days prior first Layday …)
“(a) Notice of readiness and Commencement of Laytime See also Clause 70
Notice of vessel's readiness to load and/or discharge at the first or sole loading and/or discharging port, shall be delivered in writing or by cable/telex/email to Charterers/Receivers (or their Agents). See also Clause 70. Such notice of readiness shall be delivered when vessel is in the loading or discharging port and is in all respects ready to load/discharge in case loading/discharging berth is occupied vessel to be allowed to tender Notice of readiness whether in port or not, whether in berth or not, whether customs cleared to not, whether in free pratique or not.
Following receipt of notice of readiness to load or discharge as above, laytime will commence at 0800 on the next working day, after the valid Notice of readiness has been tendered and hold passed, laytime to commence to restart at 0800 hours on Monday or the day following a public holiday. ………”
《主租船合同》第70条规定了装卸准备就绪通知书和装卸时间通知,其中规定:“装货港:如果在南美洲东海岸装货,装卸准备就绪通知须在周一至周五的工作时间08:00至1700递交,并在周六08:00至11:00递交。装卸时间在装卸准备就绪通知有效递交后的下一个工作日08:00开始计算(Loading port: If loading at East Coast South America, the Notice of readiness to be tendered within office hours 0800-1700 hours Monday to Friday and 0800-1100 hours Saturday. Layime to commence at 0800 hours the next working day after valid Notice of Readiness being tendered…)”
法院首先审议了合同解释问题。在这点上,法院援引了上诉法院在Ark Shipping Company LLC v Silverburn Shipping (IOM) Ltd. [2019] EWCA Civ 1161案中对合同解释方法的总结。该案法官认为,采用Hodge勋爵在Wood v Capita Insurance Services Ltd [2017] UKSC 24;[2017] AC 1173案中的综合解释就已足够:
“10. 法院的任务是确定当事人选择用来表达其协议的语言的客观含义。人们长期以来一直认为这并非只关注特定条款措辞解析的字面解释,法院必须基于对合同起草的性质、形式和质量,对更广泛的背景因素赋予或多或少的权重,以得出对客观含义的看法……除先前谈判的证据外,[包括]当事人在签订合同之前或之日所知道的事实情况……的潜在相关性……(10. The court's task is to ascertain the objective meaning of the language which the parties have chosen to express their agreement. It has long been accepted that this is not aliteralist exercise focused solely on a parsing of the wording of the particular clause but that the court must consider the contract as a whole and,depending on the nature, formality and quality of the drafting of the contract,give more or less weight to elements of the wider context in reaching its view as to that objective meaning…[including] the potential relevance…of the factual background known to the parties at or before the date of the contract,excluding evidence of the prior negotiations…)
11. 解释是一项统一训练,如果存在竞争性含义,法院可以通过就哪种解释更符合商业常识得出观点对竞争性解释的含义赋予权重(11. …Interpretation is….a unitary exercise; where there are rival meanings, the court can give weight to the implications of rival constructions by reaching a view as to which construction is more consistent with business common sense…)
12. 这项统一训练涉及一个反复的过程,通过这个过程,每一项建议的解释都要根据合同的规定加以核查,并调查其商业影响(12. This unitary exercise involves an iterative process by which each suggested interpretation is checked against the provisions of the contract and its commercial consequences are investigated…)
13. 文本主义和语境主义在合同解释领域的排他性占领之战中并非相互冲突。相反,律师和法官在解释任何合同时都可以将它们作为工具,以确定当事人所选择用来表达其协议的语言的客观含义(13. Textualism and contextualism are not conflicting paradigms in a battle for exclusive occupation of the field of contractual interpretation. Rather, the lawyer and the judge, when interpreting any contract, can use them as tools to ascertain the objective meaning of the language which the parties have chosen to express their agreement…)
15. 合同解释的普通法的近代史是一个连续的而非变化的历史。英国法律在商事方面作为一种法律制度的吸引力之一在于其稳定性和连续性,尤其在合同解释方面(15. The recent history of the common law of contractual interpretation is one of continuity rather than change. One of the attractions of English law as a legal system of choice in commercial matters is its stability and continuity, particularly in contractual interpretation)。”
ADM认为,《转租合同》第14条和第16条之间存在“紧张关系”,这种紧张关系似乎被仲裁员所承认。但是,法院不认为第16条与第14条的要求之间存在任何矛盾之处。根据Petr Schmidt案的观点,如果装卸准备就绪通知在工作日的8点之前通过邮件递交,则该通知书于该日的8点生效。所谓的紧张关系只有在解约日为周六或周日时产生,即如果解约日为周六,而装卸准备就绪通知是在周六的11:00至12:00递交,或者如果解约日为周天,而装卸准备就绪通知是在周六的11:00之后递交时,承租人可以认为装卸准备就绪通知未“按照第14条”递交(The suggested tension only arises if the cancelling date is a Saturday or a Sunday. If it is a Saturday and notice of readiness is given after 1100 but before 1200 or if it is a Sunday and notice of readiness is given after 1100 on the Saturday the charterer may say that notice of readiness has not been given "as per clause 14")。法院认为,第16条的措辞(即“根据第16条”)表明,ADM和仲裁庭所采用的解释方法不符合第14条和第16条的语言。
仲裁庭认为,Bilgent对第16条的解释(即认为第16条约定了解约日期和时间,但须同时符合第14条的要求)“缺乏明确性和简洁性”,是一种“在商业上和法律上都没有吸引力的解决方案”(The arbitrators found the interpretation placed on clause 16 by Bilgent to be "lacking in clarity and simplicity" and to be a "commercially and legally unattractive solution.")。法院认为,第16条中“根据第14条”的措辞简单明了,该措辞让读者参照第14条关于有效递交装卸准备就绪通知的要求。如果没有注意到该措辞,读者可能认为涉案的装卸准备就绪通知已经在解约日之前递交;而如果注意到该措辞,读者将马上发现该通知没有“根据第14条”递交。另外,法院认为,Bilgent已经尽力作出解释,Bilgent的解释并非如仲裁庭所言,是“在商业上和法律上都没有吸引力的解决方案”。
此外,ADM表示,在装卸准备就绪通知实际上已经在周日中午12点之前递交的情况还允许承租人解除租船合同缺乏吸引力和商业性,承租可以在行使解约权之前查看电子邮件(Further, Mr. Turnersaid it was unattractive and uncommercial for the charterer to be entitled to cancel a charterparty when there had in fact been a notice of readiness delivered by email before 12 noon on the Sunday. The charterer can be expected to check his emails before he exercises his option to cancel)。法院认为,该观点有一定道理,但是要求装卸准备就绪通知应在工作时间内递交承租人是长期存在的惯例。这可以从Aktiebolaget Nordiska Lloyd v J. Brownlieand Company (Hull) Ltd. (1925) 30 Com. Cas. 307案和Cheikh Boutros Selim El-Khory v Ceylon Shipping Lines Ltd., "The Madeleine" [1967] 2 Lloyd'sRep. 224案中反应出来。因此,法院不认为Bilgent的解释缺乏商业性。相反,根据Trafigura Beheer BV v Ravennavi SPA,"The Port Russel" [2013] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 57案的观点,确定什么是有效的装卸准备就绪通知的条款具有商业性,即此种条款可以帮助那些递交和接收该通知的人知道装卸准备就绪通知是否已有效递交(terms which identify what is a valid notice of readiness have a commercial purpose, namely, they assist those involved in the giving and receiving of notices of readiness to know whether a notice of readiness has been validly given)。承租人可能不会基于装卸准备就绪通知选择解约,但如果承租人选择解约,如本案中“根据第14条”的措辞,不赋予这些措辞通常和自然的含义,意味着在当事人努力创造确定性的情况下造成不确定性的风险(Charter parties may not make the option to cancel dependent upon a notice of readiness (as in Aktiebolaget Nordiska Lloyd v J. Brownlie and Company (Hull) Ltd. (1925) 30 Com. Cas. 307) but when they do, as in the present case by the words "as per clause 14", a failure to give those words their ordinary and natural meaning risks causing uncertainty where the parties had endeavoured to create certainty)。
法院援引Cheikh Boutros Selim El-Khory v CeylonShipping Lines Ltd.,"The Madeleine" [1967] 2 Lloyd'sRep. 224案的观点表示,装卸准备就绪通知可能对于一个目的而言有效(避免解约权),但对于另一个目的而言无效(装卸时间的起算)。但是,如果当事人愿意,他们可以自由商定不同的制度(a notice of readiness may be valid for one purpose (avoiding the option to cancel) but invalid for another purpose (the commencement of laytime). But the parties are free to agree upon different regimes if they so wish)。
法院的结论是,当事人对第4和第17条的修改客观上是为了达到这种效果。事实上,在法院看来,除非这是当事人的客观意图,否则无法解释当事人为什么在第4条中用23:59取代《北美谷物航次租船合同》标准格式中的12:00,并从标准格式第17条中删除对办公时间的要求,然后在第70条中恢复这一要求。第70条涉及装卸时间,该条未被并入到处理解约问题的第4条中(39. I have reached the conclusion that the amendments to clauses 4 and 17 were objectively intended to have that result. Indeed, it seems to me that unless that is the objective intention of the parties it is impossible to identify any reason why the parties substituted 2359 for 1200 in clause 4, removed the office hours requirement from clause 17 and then reinstated that requirement in clause 70. Clause 70 deals with laytime and is not the clause which is incorporated in clause 4, which deals with cancellation)。
09-24 来源:英士律师
11-15 来源:信德海事网 作者:阮航
01-07 来源:信德海事网
11-29 来源: 中国船舶油污基金
03-08 来源:信德海事网
10-15 来源:柳邦声 世界海运
01-04 来源:信德海事网
07-02 来源:诺亚天泽保险经纪
10-25 来源:王鹏 诺亚天泽保险经纪
11-19 来源:信德海事网