CH2 证书和文件
2.1.1. Were the Master and Senior Officers familiar with the company procedure for keeping the vessel's Statutory Certification up to date, were all certificates and documents carried onboard up to date and was the vessel free of Conditions of Class or significant memoranda?
The Accompanying Officer must be familiar with the company procedures for indexing and filingcertificates and documents:
The Inspector will review the Class Survey Status Reports (CSSR) prior to the inspection and will identifyConditions of Class and/or significant memoranda. He will also verify that dates noted in HVPQ and PIQ(PIQ 2.1) are accurate.
检查官将在检查前审查船级检验状况报告(CSSR),并识别船级条件和/或重要备忘录。他还将验证HVPQ和PIQ(PIQ 2.1)中注明的日期是否准确。
A systematic process must be in place to track the validity and filing of all Statutory andClassificationCertificates.
The vessel operator must have procedures in place for shipboard crew to ensure the validity and accuracyof Statutory and/or Class Certificates as well as indexing and filing of certificates and documents.
The certificate index must indicate the expiry date of all Statutory Certificates as well as the supportingsurveys and inspections. The index must be up to date.
Obsolete certificates and documents must be promptly removed.
Prior to the inspection, the vessel operator must have uploaded data relating to the vessel's certificationand survey status through the HVPQ and PIQ (PIO 2.1 ), in addition to uploading a recent copy of the Classstatus report. Uploaded data must be accurate. Where the Classification Society certifying the vesseloffers the owner a set of CSSRs, the latest version must be uploaded and a copy must be available onboard. These should be uploaded not more than four days before the inspection.
在检查之前,船舶经营人/管理人除了上传最近的船级状态报告副本外,还必须通过HVPQ和PIQ (PIO 2.1)上传有关船舶认证和检验状态的数据。上传的数据必须准确。如果船级社认证船舶向船东提供了一套CCSRs,则必须上传最新版本,并在船上提供副本。这些应在检查前不超过四天内上传。
The Inspector will raise a negative observation if a Condition of Class has been issued, memorandarelating to a defect to structure, machinery or equipment has been issued or if a short-term certificatebecause of a defect or damage to the ship's structure, machinery or equipment is issued.
Where electronic certificates and documentation are used on board, it must be made sure that these arecontrolled through the vessel's Safety Management System.
Defective structure, machinery or equipment identified in the CSSR over the past 12 months will be sighted on site by the Inspector to confirm that they have been closed out or the Inspector will assess the progress of rectification.
KPI 4.2.1 requires that a procedure is in place to ensure the validity and accuracy of Statutory and/or
Classification Certificates.
2.2.1Had the vessel been attended by a company Superintendent at approximately six-monthly intervals and were reports available to demonstrate that a systematic vessel inspection had been completed during each attendance through the pre-inspection questionnaire?
Human 人的因素
The vessel operator must plan and schedule at least two inspections per year onboard each vessel to ensure
that the ship is maintained in accordance with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations, and
with any additional requirements established by the vessel operator. These inspections must cover all the
operational areas and equipment that are accessible for observation.
Intervals between inspections shall not exceed seven months. If the vessel was new to management, e.g.
handover or delivery, there must be a Marine or Technical inspection carried out beforehand. The interval
between successive inspections conducted by either a Marine Superintendent or a Technical Superintendent
separately should not normally exceed 14 months. Additional vessel visits by senior management, Electrical
Superintendents or those visits that deal with a narrow/specific scope of issues are not deemed to have
fulfilled the need for a full inspection. Dates of the last inspections must be declared via the PIQ (PIQ 2.2).
检查间隔不得超过七个月。如果船舶是新进入管理的,例如:二手船接船或新船出厂交付前,必须进行海务或技术检查。由海务主管或机务主管分别进行的连续检查的间隔时间通常不应超过14个月。岸基管理层及电气主管或那些处理狭窄/特定问题范围的访问无需完成船舶全面检查。最后一次检查的日期必须通过PIQ (PIQ 2.2)声明。
Remote inspections are allowed but there must be company procedures stating the circumstances where
remote inspections can be used as a substitute to physical inspection, the verification process for all areas
on the ship and the required content of the final inspection report. Remote inspection should not be
carried out if a physical inspection could reasonably be carried out.
Following each inspection, a report must be made in a defined format to report the findings of the
inspection. All reports must be reviewed/signed off by shore management and reports must be available
on board. The report must include any non-conformities (NCs) and their possible cause, if known, and
the appropriate corrective action taken to close the NC. Preventive measures and the records of these
preventive actions must be kept available on board.
These plans and reports for the past 18 months should be ready on-hand to present to the Inspector. The
Inspector is expected to verify that declared company inspections had occurred by looking at inspection
reports . The Inspector will be checking that the intervals between inspections, as well as the scope covered
by the inspection, are satisfactory.。
KPI12.1.2 要求检查计划应覆盖船队所有船舶,每艘船每年至少检查2次。
2.2.2 Were recent ISM Internal audit reports available on board, had corrective actions been taken on board to close out any non-conformities and had this corrective action been verified by shore management?
The Master and Senior Officers must be familiar with the internal audit programme process and withthe system for recording and tracking of ISM audit non-conformities (NCs) to closure. The format andchecklists presented to the Inspector should be on the most recently updated revised standardised format.
Process 程序
The vessel operator should carry out internal safety audits onboard and ashore at intervals not exceeding 12 months to verify whether safety and pollution-prevention activities comply with the SMS. Only inexceptional circumstances can this interval be exceeded, but by no more than three months. Thecircumstances should be properly documented and be ready to present to the Inspector.
The Inspector is expected to request to sight and review:
• The company procedure for scheduling and performing internal ISM audits including the standard audit
formats and/or checklists. The procedure must include a time limit set to close NCs.
• The latest two internal ISM audit reports.
最近2 次内审报告。
• The system for recording and tracking ISM audit NCs to closure.
The Inspector will check that records of closure of NCs are complete, e.g. deadline set for closing NCs,
when the corrective actions were actually completed, and the vessel operator's verification of corrective
actions. The Inspector will also verify if the relevant shipboard personnel responsible for the areas being
audited have access to, and are aware of, the audit findings. Objective evidence for the corrective action
recorded to close-out a non-conformity must be available on board.
For cases where the vessel operator had recently taken over management of the vessel and an internal
audit had not yet taken place, the planned completion of the internal audit should be indicated.
KPI12A.1.1 requires that the company has documented audit procedures and standard audit forms. The formats are designed, as required, for ISM Code, the ISPS Code, ISO Standards and any company internal audits.
2.2.3 Was the Master fully conversant with the company's Safety Management System and had Master'sReviews of the system taken place in accordance with the ISM Code and company procedures?
Human 人为因素
The Inspector is expected to interview the Master to ascertain how conversant he is with the layout and contents of the SMS and the safety and environmental protection policies..
The vessel operator should clearly define and document the Master's responsibilities in relation to the ship's
safety management system (SMS). The company should establish the format and agenda, the frequency
(at least annually) and a specified timeframe for company responses to the review.
Master's review: The Master is responsible for periodically reviewing the SMS and reporting anydeficiencies in the SMS and suitable corrective actions to the shore-based management .
The Inspector is expected to query on the occasions (the previous two) that SMS reviews were carried out
by the Master. In particular, the Master would be expected to retrieve information on deficiencies that were
uncovered by the Master in previous SMS reviews - hardcopy and digital copies of this information should
be kept readily on hand. The information on SMS deficiencies should include proposals by the Master for
corrective actions and recommendations for improving the SMS relevant to those related ship operations.
The Master should have received responses or decisions from the company regarding the last two SMS
reviews carried out within a specified timeframe.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 1A.1.2 requires that policy and procedures are formally reviewed at regular intervals to ensure robustness and effectiveness. Polic y and procedures are reviewed at company-defined intervals and amended as necessary.
2.3.1 Were the Master and Chief Engineer familiar with the procedure to maintain the Enhanced Survey File in accordance with the Classification Society Rules, and was the vessel free of any visible or documentary evidence of concerns with the structural condition of the hull or cargo and ballast tank coatings?
The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the company procedure for maintaining the enhanced survey file, or electronic record, and the coating technical file.
Process 程序
The vessel operator should ensure that all sections of the Enhanced Survey File are duly maintained and up to date with the details required by the vessel's Classification Society. The ship's crew is expected to have carried out the periodic inspection of cargo holds, ballast tanks and void spaces as per the operator's schedule. Presenting of the inspection records would be requested by the Inspector.
The records in the Enhanced Survey File will contain records of any structural repairs identified and whether they were completed or not. The vessel defect reporting system should also be duly updated to reflect the status of repairs. The Enhanced Survey File should be kept on hand during the inspection for the Inspector to review the Enhanced Survey File and tally the vessel repair history against the preceding 12 months of records in the vessel's defect reporting system. For damages, there should be an accompanying incident report onboard.
The condition evaluation report should be properly reviewed in that the coating condition of cargo or
ballast tankers that were reported as fair or poor is reflected.
Substantially corroded tanks Areas or areas with deep pitting recorded should be accompanied with thickness measurement readings and you should expect the Inspector to review them. The Coating Technical File will also be reviewed by the Inspector who would particularly note the areas where coating repairs were carried out. Cracking, denting, distortion and excessive corrosion or thinning of structural members should have been attended to through an occasional survey and the follow through from the occasional survey should have beencompleted with records and evidence ready for presenting to the Inspector.
Hardware 硬件
The Inspector will carry out a physical inspection, with focus on the areas that he/she has taken note of in the files and records. During the physical inspection, the Inspector would also verify if there are any other concerns with hull structural integrity such as cracking, denting, distortion and excessive corrosion or thinning (as compared with design profile) of structural members that were not reflected in the files and documents。
KPI 4.2.2 requires that cargo, void and ballast spacers are inspected to ensure their integrity is maintained. The frequency of inspections is determined by the applicable regulations of Class, Flag State and national authorities..
2.3.2 Were the Master and Chief Engineer familiar with the company procedure to maintain the Class Survey File, and was the vessel free of any visible or documentary evidence of concerns with the structural condition of the hull or hold space and ballast tank coatings?
Human 人为因素
The Master and/or Chief Engineer must be familiar with the company procedure to ensure the vessel's
Survey File is maintained, complete and up to date .
The vessel operator should ensure that there is a procedure to ensure the vessel's Class Survey File is maintained and up to date to reflect the complete Class status reports, survey reports, repair history and coating conditions.
The ship's crew is expected to have carried out the periodic inspection of cargo holds, ballast tanks and void spaces as per scheduled. The Inspector will request that Inspection reports are presented.
Records of any structural repairs identified and whether they were completed or not must be reflected
in the Class Survey file. The vessel defect reporting system should also be duly updated to reflect the
status of repairs. For damages due to a casualty or incident, there should be an accompanying incident
report available onboard. The Inspector is expected to review the Survey File and tally the vessel repair
history against the preceding 12 months of records in the vessel's defect reporting system. Cracking,
denting, distortion and excessive corrosion or thinning of structural members should have been attended to through an occasional survey and the follow through from the occasional survey should have been completed with records and evidence ready for presenting to the Inspector.
The Coating Technical File should be properly updated so that the coating condition of cargo or ballast tankers that were reported as fair or poor are reflected. A survey report containing details of substantially corroded tanks and areas, or areas with deep pitting, will lead to a negative observation. So will Classification reports recording fair or poor ballast tanks coating conditions.
Hardware 硬件
During the physical inspection, the Inspector will also be observing if there are any other concerns with hull structural integrity such as cracking, denting, distortion and excessive corrosion or thinning (as compared with design profile) of structural members that were not reflected in the files and documents..
KPI 4.2.2 requires that cargo, void and ballast spacers are inspected to ensure their integrity is maintained. The frequency of inspections is determined by the applicable regulations of Class, Flag State and national authorities..
2.3.3 Were the Master and Senior Officers familiar with the company cargo, ballast & void space inspection and reporting procedure and, were records available to demonstrate that all inspections had been accomplished with the required timeframe with reports completed in accordance with company instructions?
Human 人为因素
The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the company cargo/ballast/void space inspectionprocedure and/or reporting criteria.
Process 程序
The vessel operator must have procedures in place for cargo, ballast and void space inspections. Frequency and actions to be taken when a space cannot be inspected must be defined. Condition of each space must be reported in a standard format.
The ship's crew is expected to have carried out the periodic inspection of cargo holds, ballast tanks and
void spaces as scheduled. The Inspector will request that inspection reports are presented. The inspection intervals required are as follows:
• Cargo tanks on oil and chemical tankers should be inspected by ship staff at intervals of 2.5 years
with six months +/- window, so as to align with the renewal and intermediate survey regimes.
• Hold spaces on gas carriers should be inspected annually.
• All ballast tanks, void spaces, pipe trunks and cofferdams must be inspected annually for all vessel types. (Make sure they are not overdue by more than a month).
• Where conditions of Class, memoranda or coating conditions require more frequent inspections of
cargo, ballast and/or void spaces, they have to be conducted by ship staff and be documented.
! The Inspector will verify the enclosed space entry records and permits for recent cargo, ballast and void space inspections.
The date ranges of inspections should be declared in the PIO (PIO 2 .3) and the Inspector will sight and verify that the date ranges are as per required and to establish if there are any overdue inspections. The inspection reports must be a standard format as per laid out in company procedures.
检查的日期范围应在PIQ (PIQ 2.3)中声明,检查官将查看和核实日期范围是否符合要求,并确定是否有任何逾期检查。检查报告必须是公司程序规定的标准格式。
Records of any structural repairs identified, and whether they were completed or not, must be reflected in the Class Survey file. The vessel defect reporting system should also be duly updated to reflect the status of repairs. For damages, there should be an accompanying incident report onboard. The Inspector is expected to review the Survey File and tally the vessel repair history against the preceding 12 months of records in the vessel's defect reporting system.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 4.2.2 requires that cargo, void and ballast spacers are inspected to ensure their integrity is maintained.
2.3.4 Were the Master and Deck Officers familiar with the company procedures for detecting leakage of liquids between cargo, bunker, ballast, void and cofferdam spaces which included inspecting the surface of ballast water prior to discharge, and were records available to show that the necessary checks had been performed?
Human 人为因素
The accompanying Deck Officer must be familiar with the company procedure for periodically checking empty spaces for liquid ingress or monitoring the levels of full or partially full tanks for migration of liquid between spaces.
The accompany ing Officer must also be familiar with the company procedure for inspecting the surface of ballast water prior to discharge when a ballast tank adjoined a cargo or bunker tank or had piping containing oil passing through it.
Process 程序
The vessel operator should ensure that there are procedures covering leakage detection. These should include:
• Inspecting the surface of ballast water in tanks adjacent to cargo or bunker tanks, and areas where oil pipes such as hydraulic lines run through, before discharging of ballast overboard.
• Periodic sounding of empty tanks and spaces to detect migration of liquids from other spaces in the event of structural failure or pipeline leakage.
• Periodic monitoring of the level of contents in tanks that are full or partially full to detect migration of liquids between adjacent or interconnected spaces.
• Testing of ballast lines which pass through cargo tanks or fuel tanks.
• Mitigating actions when contaminated ballast water is found or when there is evidence of cross contamination of contents across different spaces.
The Inspector is expected to sight these procedures and to verify the following:
• The sounding records and records of inspection of ballast water prior to discharge, ballast lines test, in accordance with the company procedures.
• Periodic soundings of empty tanks had been conducted.
• The ballast tank sighting arrangements could be readily used to sight the surface of ballast water prior to discharge.
• Whether the tanks that adjoin cargo or bunker tanks could be readily inspected without the removal of numerous bolts to access the inspection hatch or to make an enclosed space entry.
• Whether liquid leakage or cross-contamination was detected in an empty space or ballast tank as a result of structural or pipeline failure during the past 12 months.
• Records of ballast line tests which pass through cargo or fuel tanks.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 4.2.2 requires that cargo, void and ballast spacers are inspected to ensure their integrity is maintained.
2.3. 5 Had the vessel been enrolled in a Classification Society Condition Assessment Programme?
Human 人为因素
Process 程序
This question will only be generated for vessels that have passed their 15th anniversary from the initial
delivery date and, where the vessel operator had declared that the vessel had been awarded a CAP rating
in at least one module.
Prior to the inspection, the vessel operator would have to:
• Provide information on the vessel's CAP status in the PIQ (PIQ 2.3) and must ensure that the submitted information are accurate. Do note that the date of CAP survey should not be entered as the date of CAP Certificate issue date in the PIQ.
在PIQ (PIQ 2.3)中提供有关船舶CAP状态的信息,并必须确保提交的信息准确。请注意,在PIQ中,CAP检验日期不应作为CAP证书签发日期。
• Upload the CAP certificate to the document store.
During the inspection on board, the Inspector is expected to request to sight:
• The CAP certificate showing the completion of the assessment survey and the final ratings for the modules.
• The final ratings for the CAP modules completed.
• Evidence that the onboard CAP survey was carried out and any information or records to supplement the CAP certificate.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 4.3.4 requires that the frequency and extent of structural inspection of the vessel's cargo, ballast and void spaces is determined on risk criteria which includes vessel's age and type.
2.4.1.Were the Senior Officers familiar with the company procedure for reporting effects on vessel structure,machinery and equipment to shore-based management through the company defect reporting system and was evidence available to demonstrate that all defects had been reported accordingly?
Human 人为因素
The accompanying Senior Officer must be familiar with the company defect reporting procedure.
Process 程序
A defect reporting system, developed by the vessel operator must be available. It may be incorporated within the SMS. The Inspector will verify the procedure, which should define:
• What constitutes a defect to structure, machinery and equipment that must be reported through the defect reporting system. This should include:
- navigation equipment
- engine machinery
- deck machinery
• cargo-handling machinery/equipment
• hull structure
• electronic equipment.
• The process for entering defects into the defect reporting system.
• The timeline for entering a defect into the defect reporting system and then transmitting the report to shore-based management.
• The process for shore-based management to acknowledge a defect and assign a timeline for corrective action to be taken.
• The process for establishing mitigating actions where the reported defect adversely affects the safe operation of the vessel.
• The requirement to submit an incident report where a defect resulted in, or was the cause of, an incident as defined elsewhere within company procedures.
Hardware 硬件
The Inspector will also note any obviously defective structure, machinery or equipment not covered by any defect report. In addition, defects caused by an incident, or if the defects had caused an incident, would be noted to see if investigation had taken place.
KPI 4.1.2requires that a defect reporting system is in place for each vessel within the fleet to cover all onboard equipment and Conditions of Class. Companies will strive to correct any Conditions of Class without delay.
2.4.2 Where defects existed to the vessel's structure, machinery or equipment, had the vessel operator notified Class, Flag and/or the authorities in the port of arrival, as appropriate to the circumstances, and had short-term certificates, waivers, exemptions and/or permissions to proceed the voyage been issued where necessary?
Human 人为因素
Senior Officers must be familiar with the company procedure for notifying Class, Flag and/or other external stakeholders of defects to the vessel's structure, machinery or equipment after shore management evaluation.
Process 程序
The Master and Chief Engineer should have prepared a printed list of all open defect reports existing onboard the vessel at the time of the inspection for the Inspector's use. The list of open defect reports should identify any defects that have resulted in a notification to the vessel's Classification Society and/or Flag Administration.
Procedures must be available, developed by the vessel operator, for evaluating defects to a vessel's structure, machinery and equipment to determine whether, when and how the vessel's Classification Society, Flag Administration and/or other external stakeholders should be informed.
The procedure should define:
• Which defects to vessel structure, machinery and equipment should be reported to the vessel's Classification Society, Flag Administration and/or other external stakeholders.
• When the defects are required to be reported to the vessel's Classification Society, Flag Administration and/or other external stakeholders and by whom.
• Where short-term certificates and/or Flag waivers have been issued, the external stakeholders that may need to be notified and by whom.
• The records that must be maintained onboard to demonstrate that the appropriate notifications had been made to the vessel's Classification Society, Flag Administration and/or other external stakeholders.
The Inspector will review the Class Status report and identify any Conditions of Class, memoranda or short term certificates that may indicate that there was a defect in the vessel's structure, machinery or equipment.
The Inspector will also review the vessel's defect reporting system and identify any defects that would be reportable to the vessel's Classification Society or Flag Administration and verify that they were either reported in the Class Status report or communications were available to demonstrate that Class and/or Flag had been advised and that no further action was required.
Where the vessel has a short-term certificate or Flag Administration waiver, he will verify that the vessel had notified external stakeholders of the vessel deficiency, where required to do so, through the pre-arrival Process applicable to the port of arrival or transit of controlled navigational areas.
Where the vessel's Classification Society or Flag Administration had required that specific mitigating measures were taken as a condition of the issuing of a short-term certificate or Flag waiver, the Inspector will verify that the vessel had complied with the required measures.
Hardware 硬件
If there are open defect reports in the defect reporting system of a significant nature but there is no evidence that Class, Flag and/or external stakeholders have been informed in accordance with the company procedure, the Inspector will identify the defective equipment and raise a negative observation under 'Hardware' .
KPI 4.1.2requires that a defect reporting system is in place for each vessel within the fleet to cover all onboard equipment and Conditions of Class. Companies will strive to correct any Conditions of Class without delay.
2.5.1 Had the company Management of Change (MOC) procedure been effectively implemented for changes affecting structure, machinery and equipment gover ned by Classification Society rules or Statutory Survey?
Human 人为因素
The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the shipboard emergency plans for a failure of steering gear incident.
The Inspector will interview one navigation Officer and verify that they are familiar with a method for estimating the drift of a disabled tanker taking into account the wind, current and ship's head.
If safe to do so, the Inspector will request an accompanying Officer to demonstrate the operation of the emergency steering system and describes the use of the communication system and alternative power supplies.
Process 程序
In addition to the routine checks and tests prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 26, emergency steering drills shall take place at least once every three months in order to practice emergency steering procedures.
These drills shall include direct control within the steering gear compartment, the communications
procedure with the navigation bridge and, where applicable, the operation of alternative power supplies.
The shipboard emergency response plan should consider:
• Failure of the steering control systems from the navigation bridge.
• A single steering system failure, either electrical or hydraulic.
• A complete failure of all steering systems and or the rudder(s).
Hardware 硬件
The Inspector may review the condition and readiness of emergency steering gear and compass repeater.
KPI11.1.1 同前
2.6.1 Were the Master, Deck Officers and Engineer Officers familiar with the vessel's Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP) and were records available to demonstrate that ballast handling had been conducted in accordance with the plan?
Human 人为因素
The designated Officer in Charge of the implementation of the BWMP must be familiar with the content of the plan. The accompanying Officer must be familiar with the BWMP and the entries required to be made in the BWRB..
Process 程序
The BWMP must be ship-specific and written in the working language of the ship.
The Inspector will review the BWMP and will verify that personnel with specific responsibilities as noted in the BWMP are familiar with:
• Safety procedures for the ship and crew associated with ballast water management.
• Actions to be taken to implement ballast water management requirements and supplemental ballast
water management practices as set forth in the BWMC.
• Procedures for disposal of sediments at sea and to shore.
• Where, when and how ballast is permitted to be loaded, discharged and exchanged and the processes
that the vessel is required to follow.
• How ballast operations are to be recorded.
• The actions the vessel must take if it cannot comply with any aspect of the approved BWMP, e.g. when the ballast water treatment plant becomes defective.
The Inspector will also sight and review the BWMC to identify the principal ballast water management method.
The ballast water record book will be verified to ascertain that recent ballast-handling operations were conducted and documented in accordance with the BWMP and BWMC. Times and duration of ballast operations will be verified.
When ballast water exchange operations were conducted, records related to the plans and assessment of the sequential exchange of ballast, which must include the longitudinal and torsional stresses at each stage of the operation, must be properly documented and be within limits. Draughts and trim at each stage of the operation will be verified.
When ballast water treatment or exchange had not been completed in accordance with the BWMP due to damage or defect to the ballast water treatment plant, records of communications with the Flag and Port State Authorities and conditions placed on the vessel must be complied with and properly documented.
Hardware 硬件
The Inspector will sight the ballast water treatment plant to establish that it is functional and there is no evidence of bypass which contravenes with the BWMP.
KPI 6.2.3 requires that comprehensive procedures cover all aspects of ballast-handling operations, including ballast water exchange and ballast water treatment.
2.6.2 Were the Master and Officers familiar with the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Management Plan, and had the procedures for minimising VOC emissions set out in the Plan been implemented and documented as required?
Human 人为因素
! This question will only be allocated to oil tankers where the vessel operator had declared through the
PIQ (PIQ 2. 6.2) that the vessel is provided with a VOC Management Plan.
The Inspector will interview the person identified as responsible for implementing the Plan to verify if he/she is familiar with the contents and any specific record-keeping requirements.
The Inspector will also interview the Accompanying Officer to verify his/her awareness of the VOC Management Plan and any actions required to be completed during the ongoing cargo operation to comply with the Plan. These provisions may be incorporated in the cargo transfer plan.
Process 程序
The VOC Management Plan, developed by the operator, for ships that carry crude oil must be ship specific, approved by the Flag Administration or its Recognised Organisation and be in the working language of the ship.
VOC Management Plan Training Records must also be available for the Inspector as well as records demonstrating compliance with the Plan. The training programmes for ship's crew involved in cargo operations as set out in the VOC Management Plan must be implemented.
Procedures for minimising VOC emissions during the loading, carriage and discharge, including crude oil washing, of crude oil cargoes must be implemented. Records must be maintained to demonstrate compliance with the Plan.
The target operating pressure for the cargo tanks during loading and carriage of crude oil cargoes must be clearly indicated in the Cargo Control Room.
The Inspector will also verify the records of past cargo operations, tank pressures and other records at different stages of the cargo-handling operations and voyage required to be maintained by the VOC Management Plan.
He will further review the cargo plan and deck logbook for the ongoing operations and verify that requirements of the VOC Management Plan applicable to those specific operations had been incorporated.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 10.1.3 requires that VOC management procedures minimise marine and atmospheric emissions and ensure that they are always within permitted levels.
2.6.3 Were the Master and Officers familiar with the contents and requirements of the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) and had these been fully implemented?
Human 人为因素
The Inspector will interview the Master and/or the Chief Engineer to verify their familiarity with the contents and requirements of the SEEMP.
Process 程序
The vessel operator must have developed a SEEMP which is ship specific, approved by the Flag Administration or its Recognised Organisation and can form part of the vessel's SMS.
The Inspector will review the SEEMP and, where applicable, records of the collection, aggregation, and
reporting of ship data with regard to annual fuel oil consumptions.
They will expect to see documentary evidence that the package of measures, as listed in SEEMP Part I
to improve the ship's energy efficiency, had been implemented and/or monitored. Measures should
include improved voyage planning, weather routeing, just-in-time arrival, speed optimisation, optimum
trim, optimum use of auto-pilot rudder and heading systems, hull maintenance.
For ships of 5,000 GT and above, the Inspector will verify:
• The SEEMP Part II, which must include a description of the ship-specific method to collect, aggregate,
and report ship data with regard to annual fuel oil consumption, distance travelled, hours underway and
other data required by regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI to be reported to the Flag Administration.
• A Statement of Compliance - Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting must have been issued.
• There must be records of the collection, aggregation, and/or reporting of ship data with regard t.o
annual fuel oil consumption, distance travelled, hours underway and other data required by regulation
22A of MARPOL Annex VI to the Flag Administration.
• Records of fuel consumption must include all the fuel oil consumed on board, regardless of whether
the ship was underway or not
•by the main engines, auxiliary engines, gas turbines, boilers and inert gas generator, if fitted, and any other fuel consumer
•or each type of fuel oil consumed e.g. HFO, DO, LNG etc.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 10.1.1 requires that an environmental protection policy and management plan on energy managementand efficiency is in place. The policy, which is signed by senior management, includes a commitmentto minimising the environmental impact of operations. The policy is conspicuously posted onboardvessels and in company offices ashore. All company personnel including third-party contractors areaware and familiar with the policy.
2.7 .1 Was the relevant content of the SMS manuals easily accessible to all personnel on board in a working language(s} understood by them?
Human 人为因素
The Inspector will interview personnel, including Ratings, with specific duties under the SafetyManagement System (SMS).
They should be familiar with the process to access the sections of the SMS relevant to their role and they must understand the parts of the SMS manuals relevant to their role in the language(s) in which they were provided (PIQ 2.7).
他们应该熟悉访问SMS中与其角色相关的部分的过程,并且他们必须理解SMS手册中以工作语言描述的与他们的角色相关的部分内容(PIQ 2.7)。
All personnel must have easy access to relevant content of the SMS manual. Navigation procedures and
instructions on the bridge, whether in electronic format or in hard copy, must be easily accessible.
Process 程序
During the inspection, the Inspector will review the content of the vessel's SMS to verify that:
• The content of the SMS is relevant to the ship and is ship-type specific.
• Changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorised personnel.
• Obsolete documentation is removed.
Changes to the SMS must be promptly brought to the attention of the onboard personnel.
The SMS manuals must be "user friendly". It must be easy and not time consuming for ship staff tonavigate to the appropriate information.
For manuals that are in hard-copy format, there must be sufficient copies at appropriate locations onboard for relevant shipboard personnel to access.
All the copies of the SMS manuals in different locations on the ships must have been updated with the
latest version.
For manuals only available in electronic format, all relevant personnel must have ready access to aworkstation and have received adequate training to be familiar in accessing the SMS.
In case of the bridge having procedures and instructions in electronic format only, the back-up independent means of power to the workstation on the bridge must be provided.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 1 A.1.4 requires that procedures and instructions are easily accessible to personnel and available at appropriate locations. Sufficient electronic or hard copies of procedures and instructions are easily accessible to all personnel, including contractors, at appropriate locations.
2.7.2 Did the SMS identify clear levels of authority and lines of communications between the Master, ship's Officers, Ratings and the company, and were all on board personnel familiar with these arrangements as they related to their positions?
Human 人为因素
The Inspector will interview Senior and Junior Officers to verify that they are familiar with the lines of
communication between Master, ship's Officers, Ratings and the company. They will also be asked to share
how the information on the identity and contact details of the DPA is disseminated.
Junior Officers and Ratings must be aware of the identity, contact details and role of the DPA.
Process 程序
The Inspector will review the SMS manual to verify that documented levels of authority and lines of
communications between the Master, ship's Officers, Ratings and the company are clearly identified. They
will also verify how Officers and Ratings are informed of the identity of the DPA.
Hardware 硬件
TMSA KPI 1 A.2.2 requires managers' roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities for achieving objectives to bedefined within the SMS. This could be demonstrated through means of organisational charts (including
reporting lines) and job descriptions (including responsibilities and accountability).
2.8.1 Was the OCIMF Harmonised Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (HVPQ) available through the OCIMF SIRE Programme database completed accurately to reflect the structure, outfitting, management and certification of the vessel?
Human 人为因素
Process 程序
Prior to the inspection, the vessel operator should have updated the HVPQ to ensure that all static and dynamic information is complete and accurate. The vessel operator has to declare through the inspection booking system that the information contained within the HVPQ was updated, complete and accurate, in order for the HVPQ to be released to the Inspector.
In particular, the Inspector will seek to verify the accuracy of the following sections in the HVPQ
• 1 General Information. 一般资料
• 2 Certificates.证书
• 3 Crew.船员
• 4 Navigation.航行
• 7 Structural condition.结构状况
• 12 Propulsion.推进系统
... and review that information which appears inconsistent with the type and specialisation of the vessel and make a note of information which will assist in better understanding the background of the questions assigned to the bespoke Vessel Inspection Questionnaire for the inspection.
During the inspection onboard the vessel, the Inspector will clarify with the Master or an appropriate Officer on any inconsistencies identified within the HVPQ. Verified errors or omissions within the HVPQ will be informed to the Master and documented for the inspection. Particular attention is paid to details relating to ownership, Class status, validity of certification or outfitting of the vessel. Through the inspection software, the Inspector will have access to certificates and documents. The list is available in the SIRE 2.0 Question Library Part 1.
在船上检查期间,检查官将向船长或相应的高级船员澄清在HVPQ中发现的任何不一致之处。HVPQ内已核实的错误或遗漏将通知船长并记录以供检查。特别注意与船东、船级状态、证书有效性或设备配备有关的细节。通过检查软件,检查员可以访问证书和文件。该列表可在SIRE 2.0问题库第1部分中获得。
Hardware 硬件
2.8.2 Were records of the most recent Port State Control inspection available onboard, and where deficiencies had been recorded had these been corrected and closed out in accordance with the company procedure for defects of non-conformities?
Human 人为因素
Process 程序
Prior to the inspection, the vessel operator should have provided the details of the last three PSC inspections through the PIQ (PIQ 2.8).
在检查之前,船舶经营人应通过PIQ (PIQ 2.8)提供最近三次PSC检查的详细信息。
The operator will also indicate whether the inspection data was entered in the OCIMF PSC Database. If
this is the case, the Inspector will have access to the database and will be able to review and verify prior to boarding.
经营人还将表明是否将检查数据输入OCIMF PSC数据库。如果是这种情况,检查人员将有权访问数据库,并能够在登船前进行检查和核实。
If this is not the case, the Inspector will review the most recent PSC inspection reports available on board and will review the documented evidence for correction and close out of any deficiencies.
INTERTANKO Members are encouraged to upload their PSC reports into the OCIMF PSC database.
During the inspection, the Inspector will verify:
鼓励INTERTANKO成员将其PSC报告上传到OCIMF PSC数据库。在检查期间,检查官将核实:
• The company procedures for managing PSC inspections. The procedures should include the involvement of the various shipboard personnel during the conduct of a PSC inspection and the process to correct and close out deficiencies recorded during a PSC inspection.
• The most recent PSC inspection report must be available on the PSC MoU databases. The inspector will
verify that the information submitted on the PIQ is accurate. He will also wish to sight all PSC inspection
reports for the previous three years.
• If the OCIMF PSC Inspection repository is utilised by the vessel operator, whether the most recent PSC
inspection had been uploaded.
• Documented evidence that any deficiencies raised during the last PSC inspection had been rectified and
closed out with approval from shore management through either the non-conformity reporting system or
defect reporting system.
Hardware 硬件
KPI 4.1.2 requires that a defect reporting system is in place for each vessel within the fleet.
09-03 来源:信德海事网
05-18 来源: 中国船检
10-12 来源:傅恒星 中国船检
02-06 来源:信德海事网
05-06 来源:招商南油 傅恒星
04-09 来源:信德海事网
06-20 来源:信德海事网
01-09 来源:中国船检
12-24 来源:中国船检 作者傅恒星
03-04 来源:招商南油