

INTERTANKO Owner’s Right to Change Crew Clause – Time Charterparties


傅恒星 编译

The current crew change crisis caused by the global pandemic is still continuing, with crew members regularly working far beyond the length of their contracts.



INTERTANKO’s Documentary Committee has considered and reviewed a number of charterparty crew change clauses (mainly in the bulk trades). Some of these have not been practical or commercially acceptable; others have been overly restrictive. Crew change is an Owner’s issue, so the Committee is sympathetic to a Charterer who might place a restriction on crew change in a short duration voyage or trip time charter.


However, there should be more flexibility in a longer-term time charterparty and an open dialogue pre-fixture so parties can determine at that point if the vessel is suitable for the trade anticipated, or not in the event a crew change is planned. That way, if there is a crew change to be done it should be foreseen and planned for contractually (unless resulting from an unexpected event e.g. crew illness), with time and cost for Owner’s’ account.


Some of the crew change clauses considered by the Documentary Committee reference that process and transparency, e.g. by indicating that no crew change is planned, save where it results from an unexpected event such as crew illness or injury. Owners report that they must accept reality and in some instances will lose business where a crew change is anticipated. In other instances there is pressure from Charterers even to ensure that a crew change takes place. So the situation is fluid even with detailed protocols for crew change in place. 


Whilst regulatory, and at times unpredictable, restrictions in port must be observed by Owners, there are still some instances reported where Charterers alone are putting restrictions on Owners changing crew even where there are no port side restrictions.  This is an unacceptable situation as all stakeholders need to be engaged in securing the welfare of seafarers wherever possible and show some compromise in these extraordinary times. 


With this in mind, the INTERTANKO Documentary Committee has drafted the following model clause which would prevent Charterers from refusing a crew change, save for where the restriction comes from the port side. A large number of companies have also signed the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change. The Committee thought it was opportune to also reference that in the clause, both for those who have signed it and for others who have not. All should embrace its intent as part of a shared responsibility for the current crew change crisis, particularly as it references increasing collaboration between ship operators and charterers to facilitate crew change.


The Model Clause is aimed at longer-term time charterparties where such collaboration is more appropriate and not where there is a series of voyage/trip time fixtures where a crew change on one fixture may impact on delivery on the next as well as cargo commitments. In the latter case it is reasonable for Charterers to be made aware of any planned crew change before fixing. 


The Model Clause also provides that time for crew change is for Owner’s account, but only insofar as it results in time actually lost. If, for example, a crew change is achieved during a ‘slack’ ballast passage, there may be no loss of time.


INTERTANKO Owner’s Right to Change Crew Clause – Time Charterparties


傅恒星 编译

The current crew change crisis caused by the global pandemic is still continuing, with crew members regularly working far beyond the length of their contracts.


INTERTANKO’s Documentary Committee has considered and reviewed a number of charterparty crew change clauses (mainly in the bulk trades). Some of these have not been practical or commercially acceptable; others have been overly restrictive. Crew change is an Owner’s issue, so the Committee is sympathetic to a Charterer who might place a restriction on crew change in a short duration voyage or trip time charter.


However, there should be more flexibility in a longer-term time charterparty and an open dialogue pre-fixture so parties can determine at that point if the vessel is suitable for the trade anticipated, or not in the event a crew change is planned. That way, if there is a crew change to be done it should be foreseen and planned for contractually (unless resulting from an unexpected event e.g. crew illness), with time and cost for Owner’s’ account.


Some of the crew change clauses considered by the Documentary Committee reference that process and transparency, e.g. by indicating that no crew change is planned, save where it results from an unexpected event such as crew illness or injury. Owners report that they must accept reality and in some instances will lose business where a crew change is anticipated. In other instances there is pressure from Charterers even to ensure that a crew change takes place. So the situation is fluid even with detailed protocols for crew change in place. 


Whilst regulatory, and at times unpredictable, restrictions in port must be observed by Owners, there are still some instances reported where Charterers alone are putting restrictions on Owners changing crew even where there are no port side restrictions.  This is an unacceptable situation as all stakeholders need to be engaged in securing the welfare of seafarers wherever possible and show some compromise in these extraordinary times. 


With this in mind, the INTERTANKO Documentary Committee has drafted the following model clause which would prevent Charterers from refusing a crew change, save for where the restriction comes from the port side. A large number of companies have also signed the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change. The Committee thought it was opportune to also reference that in the clause, both for those who have signed it and for others who have not. All should embrace its intent as part of a shared responsibility for the current crew change crisis, particularly as it references increasing collaboration between ship operators and charterers to facilitate crew change.


The Model Clause is aimed at longer-term time charterparties where such collaboration is more appropriate and not where there is a series of voyage/trip time fixtures where a crew change on one fixture may impact on delivery on the next as well as cargo commitments. In the latter case it is reasonable for Charterers to be made aware of any planned crew change before fixing. 


The Model Clause also provides that time for crew change is for Owner’s account, but only insofar as it results in time actually lost. If, for example, a crew change is achieved during a ‘slack’ ballast passage, there may be no loss of time.


INTERTANKO Owners’ Right to Change Crew Clause – Time Charterparties


Charterers warrant that:


(i) they are aware of and support the aims of the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change; and


(ii) they shall not object to and/or impose any restriction owners’ right to change crew where such change is allowed by local or national laws or regulations applicable to intended port calls.


Any time lost solely caused by crew change to be for Owners’ account


In addition, the issue of prohibition of crew changes was highlighted at the IMO Legal Committee which concluded in its report that:


“the inclusion in charterparties of clauses preventing crew changes was contrary to good practice and the principles of corporate social responsibility, and undermined the efforts being made to facilitate crew changes to ensure the safety of the crew and of the ship”.


This will be followed up at the next IMO Legal Committee meeting (LEG 108) which will take place in July 2021. 

这将在将于2021年7月举行的下一次海事组织法律委员会会议(LEG 108)上予以跟进。

INTERTANKO Owners’ Right to Change Crew Clause – Time Charterparties


Charterers warrant that:


(i) they are aware of and support the aims of the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change; and


(ii) they shall not object to and/or impose any restriction owners’ right to change crew where such change is allowed by local or national laws or regulations applicable to intended port calls.


Any time lost solely caused by crew change to be for Owners’ account


In addition, the issue of prohibition of crew changes was highlighted at the IMO Legal Committee which concluded in its report that:


“the inclusion in charterparties of clauses preventing crew changes was contrary to good practice and the principles of corporate social responsibility, and undermined the efforts being made to facilitate crew changes to ensure the safety of the crew and of the ship”.


This will be followed up at the next IMO Legal Committee meeting (LEG 108) which will take place in July 2021. 

这将在将于2021年7月举行的下一次海事组织法律委员会会议(LEG 108)上予以跟进。





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