




1.基本文件: 包括基本文件第1卷和第2卷,第1卷包括国际海事组织公约;IMO各下属机构程序规则;伦敦公约及其议定书。第2卷包括专门机构特权和豁免公约;IMO和联合国、ILO、国际原子能机构、联合国粮食及农业组织以及政府间组织之间的协议等。基本文件还包括大会决议和其他决定。

2.海上安全: 包括SOLAS公约、国际船舶医疗指南、ISPS规则、ISM规则、事故调查规则、FSS规则、高速船规则、极地规则、极地水域船舶营运指南等。




6.法律事务: 包括国际干预公海油污事故公约、CLC公约、雅典公约、SUA公约、内罗毕国际船舶残骸清除公约、国际油污损害民事责任公约等。

7.海洋技术: 包括LL公约、ITC公约、开普敦协议、FTP、IBC、BCH、IGC、IGF、MODU、船上噪声、警报和指示器、完整稳性规则、防火控制图、惰性气体系统等。




•1989 MODU Code, Consolidated 2001 Edition (IA811E)

•1994 High-Speed Craft (1994 HSC) Code, 1995 Edition (K187E)

•2009 MODU Code, 2020 Edition (IA810E)

•2010 Fire Test Procedures (FTP) Code, 2012 Edition (IC844E)

•2010 HNS Convention, 2013 Edition (IA479E)

•2011 ESP Code, 2020 Edition (IC265E)

•2011 Timber Deck Cargoes (TDC), 2012 Edition (IA275E)

•2012 Guidelines for Fish Waste, 2013 Edition (I539E)

•2023 Diving Code, 2024 Edition (I805E)

•31st Session 2019 (Res. 1131 - 1147) (K31E)

•32nd Session 2021 (Res. 1148 - 1172) (K32E)

•Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS) Convention, 2023 Edition (KB680E)

•Ballast Water Management – How to do it, 2017 Edition (K624E)

•Basic Documents: Volume I, 2023 Edition (KD001E)

•Basic Documents: Volume II, 2022 Edition (KC007E)

•BCH Code, 2008 Edition (KC772E)

•Bioremediation in Marine Oil Spills, 2004 Edition (E584E)

•BLU Code including BLU Manual, 2011 Edition (KA266E)

•BWM Convention and BWMS Code with Guidelines for Implementation, 2018 Edition (IA621E)

•Cape Town Agreement of 2012, 2018 Edition (IA793E)

•Carbon dioxide sequestration, 2016 Edition (I546E)

•Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS) Code, 2021 Edition (IC292E)

•Carriage of Cargo & Persons by OSV, 2000 Edition (E288E)

•Casualty Investigation Code, 2008 Edition (K128E)

•Civil Liability Convention (CLC), 1977 Edition (E410E)

•Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1996 Edition (K473E)

•Code of Safety Diving Systems, 1997 Edition (EA808E)

•Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009, 2010 Edition (KB867E)

•Code on Intact Stability (IS), 2009 Edition (KC874E)

•Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships, 2014 Edition (K817E)

•Collision Regulations Convention (COLREGS), 2003 Edition (IB904E)

•Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage, 1972 Bilingual Edition (E420B)

•Compensation Fund Records for Oil Pollution Damage, 1978 Edition (E423E)

•Compliance Monitoring Disposal, 2017 Edition (I547E)

•Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) (I530E)

•Control & Management of Ships' Biofouling, 2024 Edition (IA662E)

•Crude Oil Washing Systems, 2000 Edition (KA617E)

•Dangerous Goods in Port Areas, 2007 Edition (IB290E)

•Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks, 1982 Edition (K619E)

•Facilitation Convention (FAL), 2024 Edition (IE350E)

•Field Monitoring Disposal, 2016 Edition (I542E)

•Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code, 2015 Edition (IB155E)

•Fishing Vessel Personnel Guidance Document, 2001 Edition (KA948E)

•Gas Carrier Code for Existing Ships, 1976 Edition (E788E)

•Gas Carrier Code, 1983 Edition (I782E)

•GMDSS Manual, 2024 Edition (KJ970E)

•Goal-based ship construction standards, 2013 Edition (I800E)

•Guidance for Dredged Material, 2009 Edition (I538M)

•Guidance Signs for Airport and Marine Terminals, 1995 Multilingual Edition (E370M)

•Guide on oil spill response in ice and snow conditions, 2017 Edition (I585E)

•Guide to Cold Water Survival, 2012 Edition (KB946E)

•Guide to Maritime Security and ISPS Code, 2021 Edition (IB116E)

•Guide to the Implementation of the OPRC Convention and OPRC-HNS Protocol, 2020 Edition (K559E)

•Guidelines on Assessment of Dredged Material, 2015 Edition (I540E)

•Guideline for Oil Spill Response in fast currents, 2013 Edition (I582E)

•Guidelines for Liquids Transported in Bulk, 1997 Edition (I653E)

•Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V, 2017 Edition (IC656E)

•Guidelines on assessment of dredged materials, 2015 Edition (I540E)

•Guidelines on Fatigue, 2019 Edition (IA968E) 

•High Speed Craft (2000 HSC) Code, 2021 Edition (IB185E)

•Hong Kong Convention, 2013 Edition (K683E)

•IAMSAR Manual: Volume I, 2022 Edition (KK960E)

•IAMSAR Manual: Volume II, 2022 Edition (KH961E)

•IAMSAR Manual: Volume III, 2022 Edition (IK962E)

•IBC Code, 2020 Edition (IE100E)

•IGC Code, 1993 Edition (K104E)

•IGC Code, 2016 Edition (IA104E)

•IGF Code, 2016 Edition (I109E)

•IMDG Code, 2020 Edition (inc. Amendment 40-20) (KM200E)

•IMDG Code, 2022 Edition (inc. Amendment 41-22) (IN200E)

•IMDG Code Supplement, 2022 Edition (IL210E)

•IMO 2020: Consistent Implementation of MARPOL Annex VI, 2019 Edition (I666E)

•IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling, 2006 Edition (I685E)

•IMO In-Situ Burning Guidelines, 2017 Edition (I623E)

•IMO Liability and Compensation Regime, 2018 Edition (I455E)

•IMO Member States Audit Scheme, 2015 Edition (K118E)

•IMO SMCP, 2002 Edition (KA987E)

•IMO/ILO Guidelines on Seafarers' Hours, 1999 Edition (K973E)

•IMO/ILO/UNECE CTU Code, 2014 Edition (IC284E)

•IMO/UNEP Guidance Manual, 2009 Edition (I580E)

•Implementation of The London Protocol, 2018 Edition (I535E)

•Guidance Document on IMS Implementation (I581E)

•IMSBC Code and Supplement, 2022 Edition (IK260E)

•IMSBC Code and Supplement, 2023 Edition (IL260E)

•Inert Gas Systems, 1990 Edition (K860E)

•Instruments relevant to port State control 2023, 2024 Edition (KB657E)

•International Bunkers Convention, 2004 Edition (E490M)

•International Code of Signals, 2005 Edition (IB994E)

•International Conference on Salvage, 1989 Edition (K450E)

•International Convention on Load Lines 1966, 2021 Edition (IC701E)

•International Convention on OPRC, 1991 Edition (K550E)

•International Grain Code, 1991 Edition (K240E)

•International SafetyNET Manual, 2022 Edition (ID908E)

•Intervention Convention, 1977 Edition (I402E)

•Invaders from the Sea DVD (V020E)

•ISM Code & Guidelines, 2018 Edition (ID117E)

•ISPS Code, 2003 Edition (K116E)

•Life-Saving Appliances (LSA Code), 2023 Edition  (IF982E)

•Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 2016 Edition (IB444E)

•London Convention and London Protocol, 2016 Edition (IB532E)

•London Convention and Protocol Step-by-Step Guidance, 2020 Multilingual Edition (I536M)

•London Protocol: What it is and how to implement it, 2014 Edition (I533E)

•Manual on Chemical Pollution - Section 1, 1999 Edition (KA630E)

•Manual on Chemical Pollution - Section 2, 2007 Edition (KA633E)

•Manual on Chemical Pollution - Section 3, 2015 Edition (I637E)

•Manual on Oil Pollution - Section I, 2011 Edition (KA557E)

•Manual on Oil Pollution - Section II, 2018 Edition (IB560E)

•Manual on Oil Pollution - Section III, 1997 Edition (KA566E)

•Manual on Oil Pollution - Section IV, 2005 Edition (KA569E)

•Manual on Oil Pollution - Section V, 2009 Edition (KA572E)

•Manual on Oil Pollution - Section VI, 1998 Edition (K578E)

•Manual on Port Reception Waste Facilities, 2000 Edition (E598E)

•Marine Accident and Incident Investigators (V1.0), 2004 CD (D311E)

•Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Substances, 1972 Multilingual Edition (E429B)

•MARPOL - How to do it, 2013 Edition (IB636E)

•MARPOL Annex V discharge provisions, 2017 Edition (IA659E)

•MARPOL Annex VI and NTC 2008, 2023 Edition (ID664E)

•MARPOL Consolidated Edition, 2022 (IF520E)

•Manual on Maritime Safety Information, 2015 Edition (KB910E)

•Nairobi Convention of Wreck Removals, 2008 Edition (E470E)

•NAVTEX Manual, 2023 Edition (IF951E)

•Noise levels on board ships, 1982 Edition (K814E)

•Offshore Supply Vessels Guidelines, 2006 Edition (EA807E)

•Oil Response in Tropical Waters, 1997 Edition (I649E)

•Oil Spill Dispersant Application Guidelines, 1995 Edition (EA575E)

•Oil Spill Risk Evaluation Manual, 2010 Edition (E579E)

•Operational Guidelines on Oil, 2016 Edition (I583E)

•OPRC - HNS Protocol 2000, 2002 Edition (E556E)

•OSV Chemical Code, 2018 Edition (IA289E)

•Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA), 2017 Edition (IA545E)

•Passengers and Luggage on Ships, 2003 Edition (IA436E)

•Performance Standards, 2023 Edition (KG978E)

•Pocket Guide to Recovery Techniques, 2014 Edition (KA947E)

•Polar Code, 2016 Edition (K191E)

•Pollution Prevention Equipment, 2006 Edition (KA646E)

•Port Reception Facilities - How to do it, 2016 Edition (IB597E)

•Poster: Escape Route Signs and Equipment Location Markings (I988E)

•Prevention of Corrosion on Ships, 2010 Edition (I877M)

•Prevention Pollution (OILPOL), 1981 Edition (E500E)

•Procedures for port State control 2023, 2024 Edition (IF650E)

•Related information for CTU Code, 2016 Edition (I285E)

•Reporting Incidents under MARPOL, 1999 Edition (KA516E)

•Response to a Marine Oil Pollution Incident, 2016 Edition (I558E)

•Revised Guidance on the National Implementation of The London Protocol, 2018 Edition (I535E)

•Safe Containers Convention (CSC), 2014 Edition (KC282E)

•Safety Code for Fishermen & Fishing Vessels(A), 2006 Edition (IA749E)

•Safety Code for Fishermen & Fishing Vessels(B), 2006 Edition (EA755E)

•Safety Code for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 Edition (KA820E)

•Sampling of Dredged Material, 2005 Edition (I537E)

•SAR Convention, 2006 Edition (KB955E)

•Seafood Safety During and After Oil Spill, 2002 Edition (E590E)

•Ship Pollution Emergency Plans (SOPEP), 2010 Edition (KB586E)

•Ships' Routeing, 2019 Edition (IH927E)

•SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2020 (IG110E)

•Space requirements for special trade ships, 1972 Bilingual Edition (E734B)

•Special trade passenger ships conference, 1972 Bilingual Edition (E727B)

•STCW - Fishing 95, 1996 Edition (K915E)

•STCW including 2010 Manila Amendments, 2017 Edition (ID938E)

•Suppression of Unlawful Acts (SUA) Conference, 2006 Edition (EA462E)

•Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1970 Edition (K713E)

•Use of Sorbents for Spill Response, 2016 Edition (I686E)

•Voluntary Guidelines for Small Fishing Vessels, 2006 Edition (EA761E)

•Waste Assessment Guidelines, 2021 Edition (KB531E)


•Acts to be Taken to Prevent Acts of Piracy and Armed Robbery, 2011 Edition (ET323E)

•Advanced training for chemical cargo tanker operations, 2016 Edition (TA130E)

•Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations, 2015 Edition (T105E)

•Advanced training for masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on ships subject to the IGF Code, 2019 Edition (T714E)

•Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations, 2015 Edition (ETC102E)

•Advanced training for ships operating in polar waters, 2017 Edition (ET712E)

•Advanced Training in Fire Fighting, 2023 Edition (KTB203E)

•Assessment, Examination and Certification of Seafarers, 2017 Edition (ETB312E)

•Automatic Identification Systems (AIS), 2019 Edition (TA134E)

•Basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations, 2014 Edition (ETC104E)

•Basic training for masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on ships subject to the IGF Code, 2019 Edition (T713E)

•Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, 2014 Edition (TA101E)

•Basic training for ships operating in polar waters, 2017 Edition (T711E)

•Bridge Resource Management, 2023 Edition (KTB122E)

•Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling, 2007 Edition (ET137E)

•Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer on a Fishing Vessel, 2008 Edition (ET707E)

•Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer, 2014 Edition (ETB702E)

•Company Security Officer, 2011 Edition (ETA320E)

•Dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes, 2014 Edition (TB110E)

•Electro-technical Engineer, 2014 Edition (ET708E)

•Electro-Technical Rating, 2019 Edition (T715E)

•Elementary First Aid, 2000 Edition (ETA113E)

•Energy Efficient Operation of Ships, 2014 Edition (T405E)

•Engine-Room Resource Management, 2023 Edition (KT717E)

•Engine-Room Simulator, 2017 Edition (TB207E)

•Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, 2023 Edition (KTB120E)

•Flag State Implementation, 2010 Edition (ET322E)

•General Operator's Certificate for GMDSS, 2015 Edition (ETB125E)

•Hull and Structural Surveys, 2004 Edition (ETA307E)

•Leadership & Teamwork, 2014 Edition (ET139E)

•LNG Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator, 2019 Edition (TA136E)

•LPG Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator, 2007 Edition (ET135E)

•Marine Accident and Incident Investigation (V1.0), 2004 CD (D311E)

•Marine Environmental Awareness, 2011 Edition (ET138E)

•Maritime English, 2015 Edition (ETB317E)

•Master and Chief Mate, 2014 Edition (ETB701E)

•Medical Care, 2000 Edition (ETA115E)

•Medical First Aid, 2000 Edition (ETA114E)

•Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on a Fishing Vessel, 2008 Edition (ET706E)

•Officer in charge of Engineering Watch, 2014 Edition (ETB704E)

•Officer in charge of Navigational Watch, 2014 Edition (ETB703E)

•Oil Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator, 2002 Edition (ETA206E)

•Onboard Assessment, 2017 Edition (ETA130E)

•Operational use of ECDIS, 2012 Edition (TA127E)

•Operational Use of Integrated Bridge Systems including Integrated Navigation Systems, 2005 Edition (ET132E)

•OPRC on CD Courses 4.01-4.04, 2019 Edition CD (DA404E)

•Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training (KT146E)

•Passenger Ship Crisis Management and Human Behaviour Training, 2018 Edition (KT142E)

•Passenger Ship Crowd Management Training, 2018 Edition (ET141E)

•Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities, 2016 Edition (TB121E)

•Port Facility Security Officer, 2015 Edition (TB321E)

•Port State Control, 2001 Edition (ETA309E)

•Preparedness & Response to HNS, Bilingual CD (D405B)

•Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behaviour Training including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training, 2000 Edition (ET129E)

•Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats, 2024 Edition (KTA124E)

•Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques, 2019 Edition (KTB119E)

•Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than Fast Rescue Boats), 2024 Edition (KTB123E)

•Radar, ARPA Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue Navigation at Management Level, 2019 Edition (TB108E)

•Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and use of ARPA Radar Navigation at Operational level, 2017 Edition (ETB107E)

•Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck, 2017 Edition (T710E)

•Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine, 2019 Edition (T716E)

•Ratings forming part of a watch in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room, 2017 Edition (ET709E)

•Restricted Operator's Certificate for GMDSS, 2015 Edition (TB126E)

•Safe Handling and Transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes, 2019 Edition (T145E)

•Safe Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTU), 2001 Edition (ET318E)

•Safety Investigation into Marine Casualties and Incidents, 2014 Edition (ETB311E)

•Safety of Fishing Operations (Support Level), 2005 Edition (ET133E)

•Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces, 2018 (T144E)

•SAR Administration (IAMSAR Manual, Vol I), 2024 Edition (KTC313E)

•SAR Mission Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual, Vol II), 2020 Edition (T314E)

•SAR On-Scene Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual, Vol III), 2024 Edition (KTA315E)

•Second Class Radioelectronic Certificate for GMDSS Radio Personnel, 2002 Edition (ET131E)

•Security Awareness Training for Port Facility Personnel, 2023 Edition (KTA325E)

•Security Awareness Training for Port Facility Personnel with Designated Security Duties, 2018 Edition (ETA324E)

•Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers, 2023 Edition (KTA327E)

•Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Duties, 2023 Edition (KTA326E)

•Ship Security Officer, 2012 Edition (ETA319E)

•Skipper on a Fishing Vessel, 2008 Edition (ET705E)

•Survey of Electrical Installations, 2004 Edition (ET304E)

•Survey of Fire Appliances and Provisions, 2004 Edition (ETA305E)

•Survey of Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements, 2004 Edition (ETA306E)

•Survey of Machinery Installations, 2004 Edition (ETA303E)

•Train the Simulator Trainer and Assessor, 2012 Edition (ET610E)

•Training Course for Instructors, 2017 Edition (TB609E)

•Use of Leadership and Managerial Skills, 2018 Edition (T140E)


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