01Detainable deficiencies
Fire Dampers of E/R supplier fans not workings & duct distortion
Emergency fire pump found inoperative during test
A-class fire door in galley fixed to open
Water mist system defective
Some fire doors defective and not closed completely
Several self-closing valves for sounding pipes and for level indicators blocked in open position
Oil leakage from main engine oil cooler through damaged gaskets
Main fire line on main deck inoperative (frozen)
Full of oil mixture in engine room bilge well
ISM detainable deficiency on the basis of many deficiencies
Crew unfamiliar with operation of machinery and position of equipment on board
Crew not familiar with RADAR operation and emergency steering
Inappropriate implementation of enclosed space procedures
SMS implementation failure
No records of lifeboat operation
(3)MLC(Working and Living Condition)
Accommodation heating systems
Toilets flushing system in the accommodation not working correctly
Accommodation not in cleanliness
All crew members' wages not paid in full and at monthly intervals
Total lack of fresh vegetables and fruit.
SEA expired, over maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers
(4)Life Saving Appliances
Lifeboat Engine not starting
Lifeboats not lowered and maneuvered into the water
Rescue boat and life raft defective
Rescue boat launching davit hydraulic leaks and pressure gauge inoperative
(5)Pollution Prevention
Sewage treatment plant not working properly
Deck full of oil pollution hazards
Insufficient procedure for changeover when entering SECA
Eng. Room Bilge High water level alarm inoperative
Oily Water Separator inoperative and found some leakage
Full of Residual tank & bilge collecting tank
Side shell crack
Manhole from engine room to bilge keel space in open
Hatch coaming bracket crack
Natural ventilator (mushroom type) holed and patched temporally, Gooseneck air vent closing devices missing
Hatch cover cleat missing
(7)Certificate and Documentation
Civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage certification is not valid (Only photocopy)
Flag endorsement missing for 2/O, 3/O and C/E
Medical certificate expired
Captain not holding GOC
No SMC on board
(8)Safety of Navigation
Several navigation lights damaged and inoperative
ECDIS not in use up to date
MF/HF and VHF DSC not operational
No charts and nautical publications available
Bridge found one window of different thickness
02Items to be inspected thoroughly
Operation of em’cy fire pump and leak check
Function and contact condition of E/R funnel damper
Condition of Fireman’s outfit
Closing condition of A-class fire door
Fire doors in normal operation
Installation of insulation for heat surface
Enough ventilation of cargo holds before entering a port
Check operation of water mist system
Check of breathing apparatus and its attachment
Self-closing valves for sounding pipes and for level indicators
Operation and maintenance of main engine oil cooler
Sprinkler nozzles in normal working condition without blockage of deposits in the nozzles
Implementation of Fire and Abandon ship Drill and record
Black out test (simulation test) and crews’ familiarity with it
Crews’ familiarity with the operation of CO2 system
PSCO emphasizes implementation of ISM and checks real-time NIR database
Drill records for emergency response
SMS on board properly implemented
Crew familiarization with machinery and position of equipment on board
Correspondence and familiarization of SOLAS training manual and equipment on board
Check effectiveness of emergency drills and familiarity related to responsible equipment and system
Crew familiarization with lifeboat operation
Compliance of procedures for enclosed space entry
Check compliance of COLREG of duty officers
(3)MLC(Working and Living Condition)
Crews protection
Crew’s including captain and C/E working hour and resting hour record
Toilet operation in accommodation
Accommodation cleanness
Wages paid regularly and in full accordance with SEA
(4)Life Saving Appliances
Immediate start of em’cy equipment under very cold weather
Magnetic compass in lifeboat
Hydraulic system in launching appliance for rescue boat
Condition of rescue boat and liferaft
Navigation and radio equipment in good working condition for immediate use
EEBDs with sufficient air pressure and good working condition
(5)Pollution Prevention
Operation of sewage treatment plant
Inspection related to SOx emission
Operation of quick closing valve
Control of garbage
Procedures for fuel changeover when entering SECA
Function of oily water separator and 15ppm alarm check
High water level alarm
Hatch cover hydraulic cylinder in good working condition
OWS in proper working condition
Condition of structure
Function of water ingress system and de-watering system
Manhole properly secured, closed
(7)Safety of Navigation
VDR function and random alarm test and normal condition check after reset
Navigation plan and up-to-date notice to mariner, chart and publication
Function of GMDSS and familiarity with GMDSS equipment
Check condition of navigation lights
Check ECDIS/ENC in use up to date
11-26 来源:验船师袁晓东 船之友
01-30 来源:信德海事网
01-22 来源:信德海事网
10-20 来源: 蓝盾安检创新工作室
01-01 来源:信德海事网
08-01 来源:蓝盾安检
02-25 来源:阳光安检
06-03 来源:信德海事网
12-31 来源:阳光安检
07-17 来源:CAPT.ZHAO 大新船务