石勇 轮机长
Table 1
Waste Generation Rates for Annexes I, IV and V to the MARPOL Convention (1)
Table 2
Waste Generation Rates for Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention on waste (exhaust gas cleaning systems, ‘EGCS’)
NB: The amount of exhaust gas cleaning system sludge generated depends ultimately also on the individual installation specifics: the exhaust gas cleaning system manual provided by the manufacturer should therefore be consulted. Information in thetablesprovidedbystakeholdercompanies.
(1) Extracted from EMSA’s study ‘The Management of Ship-Generated Waste On-board Ships’, January 2017.
(2) Evaporation of the water fraction in oil sludge is a process that must be carefully managed and should only be done to the extent to allow combustibility of the sludge intended for incineration.
06-15 来源:信德海事
04-12 来源:信德海事网
07-17 来源:老郑 制造原理
05-08 来源:夏明华 苏玉马 世界海运
05-11 来源:信德海事网
06-18 来源:信德海事网
10-29 来源: 龙de船人
01-21 来源:信德海事网
05-19 来源:海员之家
09-25 来源:顾徐辉 信德海事