

1 . What the type of casualty ?

Very Serious Marine Casualty : Crew member hit by swinging crane hook resulting in a fatality .

非常严重的海难事故: 船员被摆动的吊钩击中致死 。

2 . What happened ?

A stevedore was using ship's cargo crane and grab to load cargo onto the ship. Upon completion of his daily shift, he left the crane with the grab connected and the boom in the horizontal position, and then disembarked. Later, the chief officer arranged for two crew members to disconnect the grab from the crane to place it in its designated stowage position on the starboard side. While one crew member was on the deck disconnecting the grab from the crane hook, the other crew member was operating the crane from the crane's cabin to facilitate the grab disconnection. During the course of the work, the weather deteriorated and the ship encountered a heavy swell, causing it to roll and pitch. While the hook was being hoisted by the crane, it swung and crashed into the lower half of the operator's cabin. The crew member inside the operator's cabin was badly injured and taken to hospital, where he was declared dead upon arrival .


3 . Why did it happen ?

●  No risk assessment was conducted before the job was carried out. The crew were not familiar with the crane operating procedures .

●  Despite receiving a forecast of deteriorating weather, the ship's crew proceeded with the crane operation, ignoring the hazard .

●  No precautions were taken to avoid the hook swinging as a result of the ship rolling and pitching in the heavy swell .

●  The crane operator's cabin structure failed to provide sufficient protection to the operator inside .

●  There were no specific instructions in the safety management system other than that the chief officer was to supervise the work on deck .

● 1. 在作业前未开展风险评估,船员不熟悉克令吊的操作程序; 

● 2. 尽管接收到了恶劣天气的预报,船员仍不顾危险继续进行克令吊的相关操作; 

● 3. 船员没有采取任何预防措施避免由于船舶在大浪中摇晃造成克令吊吊钩摆动的问题; 

● 4. 克令吊操控室的结构强度不足以保护内部人员; 

● 5. 公司安全管理体系中除了大副应监督甲板上的工作外,并没有其他关于克令吊安全操作须知的说明。

4 . What can we learn ?

◇ The importance of the risk assessment prior to work commencing. 

◇  All crane operations should be closely monitored. Crane operations should not be allowed during heavy weather. 

◇  Crane operations should be covered in the ship's safety management system. 

◇  Internal audits of all company ships should be carried out to ensure full compliance with the safety management system on the safe operation of cranes.

◇  Crane operating crew need to be fully briefed and familiar with operating limitations.  The structure of a crane operator's cabin should be sufficiently reinforced or protected.

◇1. 在工作开始前开展风险评估是十分重要的;

◇2. 所有克令吊的操作都应被密切监视,且不应在恶劣天气下进行克令吊作业;

◇3.  克令吊操作应纳入船舶的安全管理体系;

◇4.  应对公司的所有船舶进行内审,以确保克令吊的安全操作符合安全管理体系要求;

◇5.  克令吊操作人员需要充分了解和熟悉操作限制; 

◇6.  克令吊操控室的结构应得到充分加固或保护。

5 . Who may benefit ?

Ship builders, owners, operators, and crews.


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