01 What the type of casualty
Very Serious Marine Casualty : Stevedore ashore struck by mooring rope
02 What happened
An 8,500 GT general cargo ship was being moored alongside a wharf. A stevedore was standing near a slack mooring line, which was suddenly tensioned, knocking him into the water. The stevedore was not involved with the ship's mooring operations and had been on the wharf to attend to shore cargo cranes.
The accident occurred in the afternoon. About 15 minutes after the accident, the stevedore was sighted floating face down in the water. He was recovered from the water and given cardiopulmonary resuscitation but showed no signs of life. An ambulance then took his body to a hospital.
No one on the ship or on the wharf had noticed the stevedore move into a hazardous position near the mooring line that was heaved up. The ship's officer signalled the man operating the winch on the forecastle to heave in the mooring line. In order to signal him, the officer had moved to a position from where he could no longer see the mooring line on the wharf.
03 Why did it happen
● The stevedore moved into a hazardous area, where mooring operations were still underway. The ship's crew on deck could not see him or the mooring line on the wharf from their positions, and no one on the bridge noticed him.
1. 装卸工进入了一个正在进行船舶系泊作业的危险区域,船舶甲板上的船员看不到这名装卸工和码头上的缆绳状态,驾驶台上也没有人注意到他。
● The shore mooring linesmen did not prevent the stevedore from entering the hazardous area where they were still conducting mooring operations. The mooring gang company's safety management system did not have adequate procedures to prevent unauthorized entry to prohibited areas. There were neither warning signs for such areas nor other physical measures to prevent entry to them. The safety oversight of the company managing the wharf (with respect to supervision of the mooring gang company) was also inadequate.
2. 岸上系缆工人没有阻止装卸工进入仍在进行系泊作业的危险区域,系泊公司的安全管理体系没有完善的程序以防止未经授权人员进入禁区,在这些区域既没有警示标志,也没有其他隔离措施防止人员进入。港口经营人对码头的安全监督(对系泊公司的监督方面)不够。
04 What can we learn
● The person supervising or controlling the tension on the mooring line should always have the mooring line in sight to avoid accidents.
1. 监督或控制系泊缆绳松紧的船员和系缆工人应始终将缆绳置于自己的视野范围之内,以避免事故的发生。
● Effective communication between the bridge and ship mooring stations can ensure safer mooring operations, including active monitoring of the operations.
2. 驾驶台、船舶甲板和码头系泊现场等之间的有效通信可以确保系泊作业更安全,包括对系泊作业的主动监控。
● Only authorized persons should be permitted in areas where mooring operations are taking place both on board ships and on the wharf.
3. 仅经授权的人员可以进入船舶和码头正进行系泊作业的区域。
05 Who may benefit
Seafarers, shipowners, ship operators, port and terminal operators.
09-18 来源:信德海事网
05-07 来源:信德海事网
10-10 来源:信德海事网 苏婉
12-30 来源:信德海事网
02-27 来源:信德海事网
03-11 来源:曹玉墀 马麟 世界海运
01-08 来源:蓝盾安检创新工作室
07-30 来源:信德海事网
03-27 来源:信德海事网
11-20 来源:信德海事网