一 What the type of casualty ?
Very serious marine casualty : Foundering due to hull-to hull interaction
二 What happened ?
An 11 m work boat was acting as the lines boat assisting the berthing of a 68 m, 1,000 GT motor tanker. With the ship underway, the work boat was manoeuvred close in to the ship's bow in order to retrieve a mooring line. In this position, the hull-to-hull interaction forces caused the work boat to turn across in front of the ship's bow. The resulting collision capsized the work boat. Both occupants made it safely clear and suffered only minor injuries.
三 Why did it happen ?
The work boat was manoeuvred in very close to the moving ship to aid the retrieval of the mooring line. In this position, close to the ship's hull, the coxswain of the work boat underestimated the interaction forces acting between the two vessels.
四 What can we learn ?
● Interaction forces between two moving vessels can be sufficiently large to seriously affect the manoeuvrability of either or both vessels. This is particularly important for small vessels when manoeuvring close to a larger vessel, as the forces can quickly cause a dangerous situation to arise.
● Masters and coxswains of all vessels, including port service vessels and work boats, should be fully aware of and trained in the dangers associated with hull-to-hull interaction.
1. 两艘航行中船舶之间的相互作用力可以大到足以严重影响其中一艘或两艘船舶的操纵性能。这点对于小船在靠近大船航行时尤为重要,因为这种作用力可以迅速导致紧迫局面的出现。
2. 包括港口服务船和工作船在内的所有船舶的船长和舵工,都应充分认识到船体间的相互作用所带来的危险,并接受相关的培训。
五 Who may benefit ?
All vessel crew members including port service providers.
09-18 来源:信德海事网
05-07 来源:信德海事网
10-10 来源:信德海事网 苏婉
12-30 来源:信德海事网
02-27 来源:信德海事网
03-11 来源:曹玉墀 马麟 世界海运
01-08 来源:蓝盾安检创新工作室
07-30 来源:信德海事网
03-27 来源:信德海事网
11-20 来源:信德海事网