OCIMF AFM - 15/21:
SecurityGuidance on Diverting Around the Cape of Good Hope to Avoid Suez
Dear OCIMF Member
The ongoing blockage of the Suez Canal hasresulted in ships diverting south to transit around the Cape of Good Hope,potentially taking them through the High Risk Area. It is noted that whilst thethreat of Somalia-based piracy is currently suppressed through a combination ofmilitary operations, application of BMP 5 and the presence of armed guards, anincrease in maritime traffic through the area may present opportunities forSomali Pirate Groups to attack shipping. The consequences of not adoptingeffective security measures can be severe.
苏伊士运河的持续封堵导致其他船舶只能转向南方绕过好望角,她们可能通过潜在高风险区域。值得注意的是,虽然目前通过军事行动、应用BMP 5指南及武装保安等综合手段遏制以索马里为基地的海盗威胁,但该地区海上船舶流量的增加可能为索马里海盗集团提供袭击船舶机会。不采取有效的安全措施的后果可能是严重的。
Noting thisthreat, shipping companies are reminded of the importance of applying BMP 5 toensure that the voyage is fully risk assessed and that ships are hardenedagainst the security threats in the region. Similarly, it is recommended thatships rerouting southwards should route north-east of Socotra before turningSouth and that where possible, should maintain a safe distance from the Somalicoastline in accordance with the risk assessment.
注意到这一威胁后,提醒航运公司应用BMP 5指南重要性,以确保航程得到全面的风险评估,并加强船舶的安全能力,以应对区内的安全威胁。同样,建议向南航行的船只在转向南航行之前应沿索科特拉岛东北方向航行,并在可能的情况下应根据风险评估与索马里海岸线保持安全距离。
Furthermore, it isstressed that all ships in the region should register with MSCHOA and report toUKMTO as outlined in BMP 5, to ensure they are visible to the military assetsdeployed in the region which can assist in cases of piracy, and to ensure thatthey will be alerted to any threats or incidents.
此外,强调所有在该地区航行的船舶,应向UKMTO登记并根据BMP 5指南列出的方式向UKMTO报告,确保在该地区部署的军事力量能够监控船舶动态,并可见的的可以帮助在盗版的情况下,并确保任何威胁或事件都会提醒他们。
BMP 5 and otherrelevant best practice guidance can be found at:
The contact details for MSCHOA are:
Tel: 0033 (0) 298220 220 // 0033 (0) 298 220 170
Fax: 0033 (0) 298 220171
Email: postmaster@mschoa.org
The contactdetails for UKMTO are:
Email: watchkeepers@ukmto.org
Emergency Tel: +44 (0)2392 222060
Emergency Tel: +971 5055 23215
General Enquiries: +44 (0)2392 222065
It should be notedthat security threats also exist in the Mozambique Channel, and these shouldalso be factored into the risk assessment.
Consideration should also be given to thepiracy threat in the Gulf of Guinea, for ships transiting along the WesternAfrican Coast. It is strongly recommended that a threat and risk assessment isconducted for such voyages, and that ships apply BMP West Africa to the fullestextent. It is also strongly recommended that all ships travelling along thewest coast of Africa register with MDAT GOG:
还应考虑几内亚湾的海盗威胁,这对沿西非海岸过境的船只来说是一种威胁。强烈建议对此类航行进行海盗威胁和风险评估,船舶在西非应最大限度地使用BMP指南。还强烈建议沿非洲西海岸航行的所有船舶向非洲MDAT GOG登记:
Email: watchkeepers@mdat-gog.org
Tel: +33 298228888
BMP West Africacan be found at:
OCIMF, in cooperation with members of theRound Table of Shipping Associations, will continue to monitor the situationwith respect to the piracy threat, in liaison with UKMTO, EUNAVFOR and CMF, andadvise members as appropriate.
For any furtherinformation please contact, OCIMF Security Adviser, russell.pegg@ocimf.org
如需进一步信息,请联系OCIMF安全顾问Russell Pegg
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