- On13Mar2023,MinistryofAgricultureandRuralAffairsofChina(MOA)announced therevisedannualfishingbanperiodswhichwillcomeintoeffectasof15Apr2023. The fishing ban applies to all kinds of fishing vessels, including fishingauxiliary vessels. To beOasis P&I2023-03-24 11:54:20
- In order to further strengthen the prevention and control of ship p llution, both theRegulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Prevention and Control of Ship Pollution (referred to as Shanghai Regulation) issued by Shanghai MSA and the ReOasis P&I2023-03-20 16:58:20
- Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Prevention and Control of Ship Pollution and RegulationsIn order to strengthen the prevention and control of ship pollution, protect the ecological environment, and promote the construction of ecological civilization, in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations such as theYanHUATAI2023-03-20 15:18:25
- On March 14, China issued a Plan to promote the development of sea-rail combined transport from 2023-2025. It aims to promote the green and low-carbon development of transport. By 2025, all major ports along the Yangtze River will have acceXinde Marine News Vivian Xu2023-03-17 14:48:22
- The High Risk period for Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC; formerly AGM Moth) introduction via ships entering Western Canadian ports begins March 1, 2023. The policy (D-95-03) is available online: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveXinde Marine News2023-03-14 14:18:19
- RINA launchesGuide for the carriage of AFVsaimingat assisting owners, shipyards and designers intheriskanalysisprocessfor the safe carriage of alternative fuelled vehicles on boardroroships. Alternative powered vehicles, or AFVs, are envisiRina2023-02-10 10:01:12
- Shanghai MSA recently issued Notice on strengthening vessel traffic management in Changjiangkou and its adjacent waters, which has come into force as of 01 Feb 2023, in order to prevent and reduce the risk of vessel collision accidents in thOasis P&I2023-02-03 15:35:10
- On December 26th, 2022, the National Health Commission of the P.R.C. issued theOverall Plan on Managing the Novel Coronavirus Infection with Measures against Class B Infectious Diseases(hereinafter referred to as the Overall Plan). In accorHUATAI2023-01-19 11:46:58
- Members with ships calling at Chinese ports are advised that from 22 December 2022 there is a requirement to record energy consumption data in accordance with the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). The new regulation publishedStandard Club2023-01-18 14:30:19
- The key regulations that have been highlighted for 2023 are for targeting the ships efficiency and carbon emissions. These regulations aim to reduce the carbon emissions for existing and new ships, using energy efficiency indicators to deteWest of England P&I Club2023-01-11 11:53:00
- Since the end of December 2022, China has adopted a series of measures to relieve Covid-19 control, which include those that will have an impact on ships that call China. PCR test report for newly joining crewmembers is no longer required SOasis P&I2023-01-09 15:46:21
- Applicability: shipowners, ship operators, ship managers and ship masters Lloyds Register (LR) has revised its periodical survey requirements for the first Special Survey of chemical and double hull oil tankers, in line with the InternationLR2022-12-19 11:55:00
- Based on Chinese governments new policy on improving epidemic prevention and control measures, a new version ofGuidelines for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Ports and Their Frontline Personnel (the 12th edition)(hereinafter referHUATAI2022-12-12 16:15:59
- On December 8, the Ministry of Transport of the Peoples Republic of China released the latest prevention and control policy. The requirement of nucleic acid testing for personnel at ports other than high-risk posts has been changed from nucXinde Marine News Vivian Xu2022-12-09 14:08:25
- On November 22, the Maritime Safety Administration of the Peoples Republic of China issued the Measures for the Management of Energy Consumption Data and carbon Intensity of Vessels. The measures apply to vessels of Chinese nationality withXinde Marine News Vivian Xu2022-11-29 10:46:11