The Maritime Safety Committee ("MSC") of the International Maritime Organization ("IMO"), at its 106th session in November 2022, adopted the “Revised performance standards for electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS)” as annexed to IMO resolution MSC.530(106). The aim of the revision is to improve the revised performance standards, previously adopted by resolution MSC.232(82), for ECDIS in order to ensure the operational reliability of such equipment and taking into account the technological progress and experience gained.
The resolution MSC.530(106) can be found on the website of Marine Department (
https://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/msnote/msin.html) as attachment to this Note.
Shipowners, ship managers, ship operators, ship masters, classification societies and shipbuilders of Hong Kong registered ships are advised that ECDIS equipment shall:
(a) if installed on or after 1 January 2029, conforms to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to resolution MSC.530(106);
(b) if installed on or after 1 January 2026 but before 1 January 2029, conforms either to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to resolution MSC.530(106) or to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to resolution MSC.232(82);
(c) if installed on or after 1 January 2009 but before 1 January 2026, conforms to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to resolution MSC.232(82); and
(d) if installed on or after 1 January 1996 but before 1 January 2009, conforms to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to resolution A.817(19), as amended by resolutions MSC.64(67) and MSC.86(70).
For the purpose of this resolution, the expression "installed on or after 1 January 2029" means:
(a) for ships for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2029, or in the absence of the contract, constructed on or after 1 January 2029, any installation date on the ship; or
(b) for ships other than those prescribed in (a) above, a contractual delivery date for the equipment or, in the absence of a contractual delivery date, the actual delivery date of the equipment to the ship on or after 1 January 2029.
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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