- The navigation environment is complex in Chinese coastal waters where traditional fishing areas for fishing vessels often overlap with seaways. In fishing seasons, collisions between merchant vessels and fishing vessels occur from time to tHUATAI2021-08-25 16:51:00
- The summer fishing ban will end on August 16. China MSA has issued the guideline on the prevention of collisions between merchant ships and fishing vessels in Chinese coastal waters. Safety guidline for preventing of collision between merchxinde marine news2021-08-13 14:58:06
- In response to Indian media reports on the 25th that China had banned Indian seafarers from entering the country, on July 27, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian stated that China has never imposed the so-called unofficial ban. Relevaxinde marine news Sarah Yu2021-07-28 12:08:19
- The Panama Maritime Authority, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama, have renewed the Agreement on Maritime Transport between the Government of the Republic of Panama and the Government of the Peoples Republic ofPanama Ship Registry2021-07-26 11:28:25
- The Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the Peoples Republic of China(MTSL) is the primary law regulating maritime traffic safety in the sea areas within the jurisdiction of the Peoples Republic of China. The current version of MTSL was adopteHUATAI2021-06-28 11:56:11
- While the IMO 0.50% sulphur cap on marine fuels has been successful from a safety perspective, complying with the regulation has proved a headache for many shipowners. North PI Club Loss Prevention Executive Alvin Forster calls for clarityXinde Marine News2021-06-22 09:40:22
- The National Immigration Administration issued 16 new measures to simplify work formalities and procedures to reduce the cost of shipping enterprises on Friday. All of the measures come into effect immediately. Under the background of sustaChinadaily2021-06-21 12:07:53
- The risk of the epidemic continues to change, and the epidemic prevention and control policies of Chinas ports will be adjusted according to the changes in the epidemic. It is recommended to contact the local agent before calling at a Chinexinde marine news2021-06-11 09:27:00
- All relevant vessels: Due to the exsitenceof many fishing vessels and the complicated hydrometerological conditions, which havecaused frequent collisions between merchant ships and fishing vessels in the Chinas coastal waters, China MSA proxinde marine news2021-05-07 09:41:09
- Ahead of President Bidens climate summit, shipping industry bodies representing the majority of maritime trade have called on world leaders to quickly commence deliberations on how mandatory market-based measures (MBMs) could be implemenxinde marine news2021-04-21 11:31:57
- Following a serious collision accident taking place in Deep Water Fairway of Changjiangkou (CJK) off Shanghai in December 2020, Shanghai Maritime Administration (Shanghai MSA) issued a Safety Notice (Appendix 1) to urge all ships to undertaHUATAI2021-04-19 11:29:11
- Yangtze River Protection Law - Ban on Transportation of Acutely Toxic Chemicals in the Yangtze RiverThe Yangtze River Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China, as adopted on December 26, 2020 has come into force on March 1, 2021. As stipulated by Item 2 of Article 51, It shall be prohibited to transport acutely toxic chemicals by wHUATAI2021-03-26 11:51:44
- Applicability: shipowners, ship operators and ship masters. The ShanghaiMaritime Safety Administration (MSA) ofthe PeoplesRepublic of Chinarecentlyannounced,via its WeChat official account, anEnhanced Survey Port State Control(PSC) Campaignxinde marine news2021-03-26 09:53:55
- Members who transport chemicals in the Yangtze River Basin should be aware that the Yangtze River Protection law (December 2020) bans the transportation of highly toxic chemicals and other dangerous chemicals by inland river in the Yangtzexinde marine news2021-03-16 08:38:47
- ACRONYM NAME DATE OF ENTRY WEBSITE ACOPS Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea 1983 www.acops.org.uk ASEF ilding Experts Federation 2017 www.asef2015.com BIC Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal 2011 www.bic-xinde marine news2021-03-11 10:08:33