- Conflict in the Red Sea has brought massive carbon emissions increases in ocean freight container shipping, according to data released by Xeneta. The Xeneta and Marine Benchmark Carbon Emissions Index (CEI), which measures carbon emissionsXeneta2024-04-24 14:03:55
- (From left to right) Dimitris Alexandros ZISIMOPOULOS, Sertica Solutions Sales Manager at RINA and Michalis Kontaratos, Financial Advisor Corporate Strategy for Pantheon Tankers Management and Alpha Gas. Pantheon Tankers Management and AlphRINA2024-04-24 11:11:43
- Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract with Bohai Shipping (HEBEI) for m/v P. S. Paliosphoto from Diana Shipping Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), (the Company), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, announced that, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, it haDiana Shipping2024-04-23 11:10:45
- photo from CSSC AET also signed the Shipbuilding Contracts (SBC) for these two vessels with Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd (DSIC), a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). The TCP was signed by Mr. Zahid Osman, PrMISC Berhad2024-04-22 17:28:56
- Headway joints force with CEEC Group for integrated projects in green hydrogen, methanol and ammoniaOn April 15, CEEC Hydrogen Energy Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Headway Technology Group (Qingdao) Co. The two parties will fully leverage their advantages, cooperating in hydrogen energy storage and transportationHeadway2024-04-22 15:10:23
- Euronav NV (Euronav) and Anglo-Eastern Univan Group (Anglo-Eastern) are pleased to announce a Heads of Agreement (HoA) for the sale and purchase of Euronav Ship Management Hellas (ESMH), Euronavs ship management arm. Euronav and Anglo-EasteAnglo-Eastern2024-04-22 14:41:16
- Ocean Network Express (ONE), a leading global shipping company, today announced the launch of its reduced emissions shipping service ONE LEAF+, designed to meet the shared decarbonisation aspirations of the shipping industry. ONE LEAF+ offerONE2024-04-19 10:06:01
- The World Shipping Council (WSC), the united voice of liner shipping, is happy to announce that the WSC Board has appointed Joe Kramek as its new President CEO, to succeed John Butler upon his retirement at the end of July. Joe Kramek bringsWSC2024-04-19 09:44:07
- From left: Yinson GreenTechs marinEV Managing Director Jan-Viggo Johansen and Eastern Pacific Shipping Chief Executive Officer Cyril Ducau Yinson GreenTech (YGT), a leading green technology solutions provider, has signed a Letter of IntentEPS2024-04-19 09:32:14
- The World Shipping Council (WSC) is calling on the EU to design policy frameworks that facilitate the essential role of shipping in a globally connected economy and to forge the path to net-zero shipping by 2050 in partnership with industryWSC2024-04-19 09:19:09
- BIMCO Shipping Number of the Week: COVID pandemic wiped 24.6 million TEU off container market growthDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global container market grew only 1.5% from 171.0 million TEU in 2019 to 173.5 million TEU in 2023. Without the pandemic, that figure would have been 24.6 million higher, landing at 198.1 million in 2023, saBIMCO2024-04-18 17:35:23
- Mr Leslie Yee (left), General Manager of Information Systems, PIL and Mr Thomas Bagge (right) , CEO of DCSA, at the signing ceremony of PIL joining DCSA Pacific International Lines (PIL) has joined the non-profit organisation, Digital ContaPIL2024-04-18 17:00:27
- More than 500 participants from the industry, academia and international organisations gathered at the Accelerating Digitalisation and Decarbonisation Conference to discuss how value-chain stakeholders can work together to produce, transporMPA2024-04-18 16:32:31
- Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) signs Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), and classification societies, ABS and Lloyds Register, committing six of its Ammonia dual-fuel newbuilds to beMPA2024-04-18 10:34:00
- (Pictured from L to R: Mr Chen Ya Jun, Director of Business Department at New Times Shipbuilding, Mr Pai Hong Yao, CEO of Singfar Holdings and Mr Zahid Osman, President CEO of AET) Singfar, a logistic and trading services provider, is thrilSingfar2024-04-18 08:53:20