
Revolutionizing Cargo Hold Cleaning: Introducing the HighMate C20 from Robert++

The maritime industry is set to witness a transformative shift with the introduction of the HighMate C20, the latest innovation from Robert++. This cutting-edge cargo hold cleaning robot is designed to tackle the toughest challenges faced by seafarers, particularly in the rigorous "coal-to-grain" cleaning processes.

Key Features of HighMate C20:
1、Efficient Operation: A single HighMate C20 can achieve the workload equivalent to three crew members, cleaning up to 500 square meters per hour with high-pressure washing capabilities that meet international grain standards.
2、User-Friendly: With a simple interface, seafarers can master the robot's operation within just 10 minutes, significantly reducing training time and operational costs.
3、Comprehensive Coverage: The robot is equipped with an adaptive obstacle-crossing system, allowing it to seamlessly navigate and clean even the most challenging areas with a coverage rate of over 95%.
4、Stability and Safety: Utilizing advanced permanent magnetic absorption technology, the HighMate C20 remains stable even in rough sea conditions, ensuring continuous and reliable performance.
5、Versatility: Beyond cargo hold cleaning, this multi-purpose robot can be adapted for various tasks, including external hull cleaning, providing a wide range of value-added services.
Robert++’s HighMate C20 is not just a tool—it's a game-changer that enhances efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness in ship maintenance. As we continue to push the boundaries of innovation, we're proud to support the maritime industry in achieving a safer and more sustainable future. More info at https://lnkd.in/gGPJzFM3.

by Xinde Marine News Chen Yang

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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