
Strategic Webinar on Managing EU ETS Compliance Costs Cohosted by Timing Carbon, DNV & DBS

Timing Carbon is pleased to announce a collaborative webinar with DNV and DBS, focusing on effective strategies to control compliance procedures and costs under the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The event will take place on Thursday, August 29, 2024 via Microsoft Teams.
As the EU ETS continues to evolve, the cost of compliance presents significant challenges for businesses, especially within the shipping sector. This webinar will provide key insights and actionable strategies to help shipping companies and cargo owners to navigate these challenges and reduce their EUA costs.

Microsoft Teams Meeting
Time:  Aug 29th, 2024(Thur)10:00-12:00(UTC+08:00)
Meeting ID: 463 926 681 553
Passcode: 6dWnuv


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