This article contains crucial information regarding navigation in Ningbo-Zhoushan VTS zone NO.1 (including its adjacent areas) providing clarification and guidance for international seafarers.
Inbound vessels previously navigate within Public Routes should keep course until reaching the area bound by Latitude 29°37’N and Latitude 29°43’N, as shown in blue. Crossing anchoring areas due to early or late altering is not allowed.
Xiazhimen channel(L1) inbound vessels should navigate from north of Deep Water Channel, as shown in green. Tiaozhoumen channel(L2) inbound vessels should use the Recommended Route outside of Tiaozhoumen, as shown in orange.
Figure 1. Directions For Inbound Vessels
In the VTS area:
L1 outbound vessels should navigate from south of Deep Water Channel, as shown in green. L2 outbound vessels should use the Recommended Route outside of Tiaozhoumen, as shown in orange.
Leaving the VTS area:
Outbound vessels are to use East Route should keep course until reaching Longitude 122°34’E. Vessels are to use Outer Route should keep course until reaching Longitude 122°44’E. Vessels with no intention to use any Public Routes should keep course until they are 10 nautical miles out east of Outer Route.
Figure 2. Directions For Outbound Vessels
1. Always report to the VTS on VHF Ch 08 before heaving up anchor and when entering VTS area.
2. Vessels are to proceed inbound should be aware of its designated time window for passing the corresponding reporting line in accordance with the Integrated System, and should avoid unpunctuality.
3. Vessels are to use Deep Water Channel and the shallow water should arrive at the starting point strictly on time.
4. Crossing anchoring areas due to early or late altering is not allowed.
5. Under any circumstances where vessels need to avoid collision with other vessels or obstruction and are unable to navigate as directions, it should be reported in advance to Ningbo-Zhoushan VTS on VHF CH 08.
6. Make sure that AIS information is in correct display and all key navigational equipments are in good condition.
7. Vessels should follow VTS’ instructions at all times.
Figure 3. Wrong Examples
Source: Ningbo MSA
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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