
Introducing the new RightFLEET Home section, a free feature for all vessel operators.

The need for change:
RightShip understands that the current workflow, relying on email communications for task management, can be cumbersome and sometimes lead to delays in vetting processes. RightShip has listened to the feedback and have taken a more proactive and efficient approach.
Introducing RightFLEET Starter Home section:
With Home section, RighShip's introducing a streamlined and user-friendly interface that puts you in control of your vessels. Here is a glimpse of what’s to come:
· Unified dashboard: All your pending tasks for monitored vessels consolidated in one place, providing instant visibility and control.
· Proactive task management: You can now address pending tasks independently of vet requests, allowing for proactive measures.
· Prioritisation: A prioritised task list, sorted by urgency, ensures you never miss a critical action. Seamlessly handle Vet RFIs, PSCs, Incidents Closeouts, reply to Vessel Forms, and submit missing PSCs within the same interface.
· Real-time visibility: Reduce reliance on email notifications with a real-time dashboard that keeps you informed, allowing for timely interventions.
· User-friendly interface: The new workflow minimises complexities, providing an enhanced user experience and making fleet management smoother and more efficient.

Get ready for the change:
If you are not yet a RightShip user, RighShip encourages you to sign up for free here to ensure a smooth transition to the new workflow.

From January 31st, you will notice changes in how RightShip requests information. Clicking on certain email Call-to-Actions to submit the requested vessel information will now navigate you to a new interface.  
If you are not a RightFLEET user, you will be prompted to sign up for free. If you have registered, you only need to sign in.  
Please read  platform support centre article to learn more about the changes.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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