
RightShip and Port of Sudeste announced a partnership to deploy Maritime Emissions Platform for the first time in Latin America. 

RightShip, the world’s leading environmental, social and governance (ESG) focused digital maritime platform, has announced a partnership with Port of Sudeste, located in Itaguai, Rio de Janeiro, to start utilising RightShip's Maritime Emissions Portal (MEP) for the first time in the Latin American region. 

MEP is a unique digital solution that combines AIS vessel movement data with RightShip's vessel insights. Its primary objective is to calculate ships' emissions and identify areas of opportunity to reduce environmental impact. MEP provides crucial support and access to unparalleled maritime datasets. This helps ports and terminals to effectively measure and manage their emissions, thereby supporting decarbonisation strategies that align with global, regional, and national targets. 
Ulisses Oliveira - Sustainability Director at the Port of Sudeste, said: “Our aim at the Port of Sudeste, is to maintain the highest levels of sustainability and efficiency. By teaming up with RightShip, we can obtain precise data and valuable insights to measure vessel emissions in the port and create effective strategies to reduce our environmental footprint.” 
MEP employs an energy-based modelling approach based on UNEP and UNFCCC guidelines to calculate vessel-based emissions. Emissions are calculated in four separate operational modes across defined points of interest specified by the Port of Sudeste, making this platform a genuinely tailor-made solution for every port. 
Commenting on the partnership, Head of the Americas Region, Vice President at RightShip, stated, “We are thrilled to announce that the Port of Sudeste is set to become the first port in Latin America to utilise our Maritime Emissions Platform. This partnership results from our years-long collaboration and signifies the port's unwavering commitment to sustainability and excellence. We are confident that our advanced tool will assist the Port of Sudeste in developing effective strategies for decarbonisation and improving local air quality. This marks a significant milestone in RightShip's vision of promoting a zero harm maritime industry.”  

source: RightShip

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