Safety is always a constant topic in shipping industry.The world-wide vaccine suppresses the spread of Covid-19 which boosts the world economic recovery,therefore, shipping trade is rebounding strongly which again bring safety as a hot issue.Recently Xinde Marine News makes an interview to Mr. Steen Lund, the CEO of RightShip. He talks about their services like Safety Score, Inspections, Safety Vetting...and their advantages due to which charters and shipowners choose them; China market plan as well as their vision and mission to shipping industry.
Xinde Marine News: Could you make a brief introduction of your services of Safety Score , Inspections , Safety Vetting , GHG Rating and Carbon Accounting? RightShip sustainable products also include Carbon Accounting and MEP. Could you please let us know what is the MEP?
Steen Lund: RightShip provides customers with a selection of due diligence solutions that help to ensure voyages are as safe and sustainable as possible. This begins with our Safety Score which gives customers an overall view of vessels compared to their peer group. The Safety Score ranges from a result of NA or 1 through to a Safety Score of 5 which represents best practice operations. Vessel vetting takes the process further, giving customers the opportunity to apply a range of rules including safety, sustainability and crew welfare, as well as bespoke rules that they may wish to apply to a specific charter or route.
Our GHG Rating is a transparent means of comparing the relative efficiency of the world's fleet. It highlights and rewards ship owners and operators who make energy efficiency a priority on their vessels. Carbon Accounting gives customers the opportunity to account for their entire supply chain emissions, including Scope 3, and seek opportunities to reduce and eradicate them.
Finally, our Maritime Emissions Portal (MEP) has been designed specifically for ports and terminals to better understand emissions hotspots within their waters. It works by combining Automatic Identification System (AIS) movement data and RightShip's unique vessel insight data, the MEP estimates ship-sourced emissions within ports and provides heatmap indications of locations where there is an opportunity to reduce environmental impact.
Xinde Marine News: Why Charters and owners choose RightShip’s services? What advantages do you have? RightShip offers Carbon Accounting Report for Sea Cargo Charter, why do they choose RightShip as a third party to provide the vessels or suppliers emission analysis?
Steen Lund: Charterers, ship owners, ship manager, banks, insurers, ports and terminals choose our services for several reasons. First, we provide our suite of solutions within the RightShip Platform, which enables customers to seek out the data they require, complete vets and sustainability research in the one location. In addition, our proprietary data is consistently and continuously updated and cleansed, ensuring that they receive reliable insights during the due diligence process.
Our role as a Sea Cargo Charter third-party supplier is one example of the trust we have achieved within the industry. Completing carbon accounting analysis in-house can be a complex and time-consuming process. Our experts are well-placed to complete reliable calculations using our proprietary data. Customers engage us to ensure they meet their requirements as a signatory efficiently and accurately.
Xinde Marine News: Is PSC inspection result one of your rating elements? What do you think of the PSC campaigns in international view and RightShip's Rating based on shipping group's view?
Steen Lund: RightShip inspections were developed to assess the physical quality of a ship, crew familiarity and compliance with statutory and safety requirements. As part of the process, we also observe first-hand the onboard conditions with respect to crew welfare.
Rightship is committed to completing inspections without biases which could otherwise influence their outcome. We pride ourselves on completing uniform inspections to ensure consistency and gather additional data through real-world observations. All inspections are carried out by our accredited expert inspectors who complete ongoing training to deliver consistent results.
As to Port State Control findings, these do indeed contribute a valuable data element to the overall Safety Score and allow transparent insights into deficiencies and detentions. PSC inspection performance over time provides valuable insights into improving or declining performance. In particular, any repeat deficiencies, or areas for operators to improve upon that relate to the standard expected from Charterers. PSC close-outs address dynamically findings that have been addressed.
Heavy handed, inappropriate or potentially fraudulent PSC detentions are examined in conjunction with an operator's RCA and we do in such cases consider suppression of detention effects where evidence warrants. We don’t just use the PSC data, but examine the underlying activities.
Xinde Marine News: If a vessel has rating problems, when and how can it remove them? Will these deficiencies affect their future operations?
Steen Lund: Our team is always available to provide guidance when a vessel registers an unacceptable or undesirable outcome. We seek to help ship owners and operators to improve wherever possible, with actionable steps to take to improve their results. This may include recommendations for improved safety and compliance measures. In the case of sustainability this may involve installing energy saving equipment to improve emissions results.
Xinde Marine News: We know that you arrange Mr. Wu Yongzheng as Key Account Manager in Greater China so what is RightShip's future further development plan for China market, could you please briefly share with us?
Steen Lund: RightShip is exploring several new key markets in which to provide solutions, with China being a priority for us. We are already working effectively across several regions around the world, but as a global organisation we want to be present in all relevant locations for our customers to receive the service they require. China has a rapidly growing maritime and chartering industry, and we are committed to providing our best practice due diligence services here to ensure the market continues to thrive safely and sustainably.
Xinde Marine News: What do you want to say or what suggestions do you want to offer to the shipping industry?
Steen Lund: At RightShip, we know that the maritime industry is undergoing transformational change as a result of innovative technology changing the way we do business and increasing regulatory pressure to meet higher standards. We have an ambitious goal to see a maritime industry that causes zero harm. There is no place in our sector for avoidable safety incidents, poor crew welfare conditions or damage to the environment that we work in.
We are presently exploring several initiatives that will help us to achieve this goal. Our team is dedicated to being a driving force for positive change that not only helps all industry participants to complete best practice operations, but also enhance the efficiency of their entire supply chain.
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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