
RightShip To Launch New Inspections Questionnaire

RightShip has announced a new, expanded inspections questionnaire designed to enhance its risk assessment service and support shipowners and managers improve dry bulk standards beyond compliance.
The questionnaire has been expanded to include more vessel type specifics, making it the most comprehensive inspections reporting tool in the dry bulk sector. The expanded scope of inspections covers statutory items as well as recommended and desirable items with reference to IMO, ISO, ILO, OCIMF, ICS, P&I Loss Prevention Bulletins, maritime publications and industry codes of practice. 
The new questionnaire is part of a larger RightShip inspections revitalisation program rolling out during 2021 that will see tablets replace paper checklists during the inspection, online training and accreditation of inspectors and provide more comprehensive and accurate data for analysis.
RightShip uses inspections as a physical validation of the findings from its desktop vetting process. In the same way that charterers have sought more comprehensive vetting analysis so the inspection product has been increased in scope and includes not only regulatory requirements but also the industry best practices.
However, RightShip also sought to go beyond validations and better support shipowners and managers as they work to reduce the number of incidents on board. In addition, with all data collected going into RightShip's digital Platform, accuracy of records across fleets in the dry bulk sector will enable shipowners to make more effective technical fleet management decisions.
To support shipowners, most of the questions in each section are accompanied by a “Guide to Inspection”. This new feature will assist owner/managers in understanding industry expectations and preparing the vessel for inspection. It will also aid the inspector when answering the questions and completing the inspection report.
RightShip views this enhanced inspection questionnaire as beneficial for charterers and shipowners alike.  For shipowners, successful completion of the inspection will acknowledge their commitment to crew welfare and safe and sustainable operation. These thorough assessments will also provide charterers with more accurate vetting outcomes. 
RightShip CEO Steen Lund said, “The new RightShip inspections questionnaire is an important step in our work towards delivering the most effective inspections program in the sector. It is more than a cross-check during our vetting process. Physical inspections provide a clear picture of a vessel's capabilities and on-board processes.”
“The accurate data collected during a physical inspection enables us to form reliable insights for both the shipowner and the charterer. This is the beginning of an important revitalisation process that we believe has the capacity to greatly enhance safety and crew welfare,” he added. 
RightShip is now circulating the new inspections questionnaire to shipowners and managers, to provide all parties with adequate time to prepare ahead of the formal launch in late 2021. All current inspections, and any booked up until the launch date, will continue to be completed with the existing inspections questionnaire and remain valid for the usual 12-month period. 
The new inspections questionnaire is available to download for free from the RightShip website.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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