Don’t just comply – be a step ahead
Alfa Laval PureSOx
Stabilize your fuel costs by being a step ahead
Current events show that high oil prices aren’t a thing of the past. The future is unpredictable, but one thing is clear: when oil prices increase, the difference in price between low-sulphur fuels and high-sulphur fuels grows quickly. That changes the business case for exhaust gas cleaning.
Put simply, today’s circumstances make an Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubber worth another look. It’s not just that payback times are shorter – it’s the fact that PureSOx can dampen the impact you see from future oil price increases.
简而言之,当下的情况使Alfa Laval PureSOx洗涤塔值得再看一看。不仅回报时间更短,而且PureSOx可以抵消未来油价上涨对您的业务影响。
Keeping you ahead from start to finish
Unlike oil prices, the reasons for choosing a PureSOx scrubber don’t change. You get reliable compliance with fuel sulphur limits, proven through many years of experience at sea. Better still, you get the matchless support of Alfa Laval’s global organization, from ensuring a smooth retrofit to keeping your scrubber going strong with services and connectivity.
与油价不同,选择PureSOx洗涤塔的原因不会改变。通过多年的海上经验,您可以可靠地保证燃料硫含量限制的合规。更好的是,您可以获得Alfa Laval全球服务网络以及数字互联技术的强大支持,确保您的洗涤塔改装平稳进行,进而过渡到安全的海上运行。
To learn more, simply get in touch.
Visit the PureSOx website
Let’s discuss your needs
Not sure if a SOx scrubber is the right way to control your fuel costs? Let us convince you. There’s never been a smarter time to talk to our experts.
12-21 来源:张恩瑜 船舶技术法规研究中心
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