全球禁用开式脱硫塔国家/港口清单(截止2024年6月1日) 信德海事安全专栏 2024-06-07 17:08





为了满足IMO的限硫令,船舶可采取三种方案:一是直接使用低硫燃油作为燃料。二是继续使用高硫燃油作为燃料,同时加装船舶废气清洗系统(Exhaust Gas Cleaning System,EGCS),通过EGCS对燃油燃烧后的废气进行洗涤,达到除去废气中硫氧化物的目的;三是使用LNG液化天然气、甲醇、液氨、电等清洁能源,实现硫氧化物零排放。而双燃料海员也缺,怪不得看朋友圈北京鑫裕盛旗下的武汉新海联T11、T12培训火爆,青岛新海联也横空出世,应运而生(链接→:海员培训,一个10亿美元的大市场出现了!)。

如上所述,由于大多数现有商船还是使用传统能源,很多用了上述方案二:装EGCS。EGCS按工作模式可分为开式洗涤塔(Open loop scrubbers)和闭式洗涤塔(Close loop scrubbers)、混合式几种类型,图片



  船上实际操作中,难免因为过失、信息不及时等原因,到港未合法使用脱硫塔,导致罚款甚至耽误船期。特此整理禁用开放式脱硫塔(Open-Loop Scrubbers)的国家和港口名单,以大洲为单位,数据截止到6月1日,供参考。













All ports and anchorage

¨Discharging of wash water from Open-Loop scrubber is prohibited when the vessel is within the port of Bahrain including the anchorage area.

¨Discharging of wash water from Open-Loop mode EGC system (Scrubber) into Bahraini territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is not permitted unless it can be proved that the discharge of washwater complied with the IMO 2015 guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning system (MEPC.259 (68)) and there is no negative impact on marine ecosystems.

¨Reference: Marine Notice: PMA/03/2019







Inland river ECA’s,

ports, Bohai sea

¨Ships are prohibited to discharge wash water from Open-Loop scrubbers in China Emission Control Areas, which effectively means the territorial waters of China.

¨China Emission Control Area boundary line is connected by 60 points as illustrated in figure 1 of attached Huatai Circular PNI1907.

¨China-ECA-Plan-Guideline 2018 (5.2.1) prohibits discharge water from open loop scrubbers on

Inland River ECA’s, Ports in coastal ECAs and Bohai sea waters. (NEW INFORMATION)

















All ports (Permitted)

¨Circular no: APSEZL/Marine/16/2020 that do not permit ships to use open loop system at Adani ports was superseded by Circular no. APSEZL/Marine/18/2020 which states that all ships calling Mundra port are advised to strictly comply with guidelines mentioned in the DGS Engineering circular 02/2019. The use of open loop EGCS is permitted provided that they comply with the guidelines mentioned in the DGS Engineering circ. 02/2019. (Acquired the official notice)

¨Permitted, in accordance with DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SHIPPING, MUMBAI – DGS Circular No. 02 of 2023: Corrigendum to DGS Circular No. 02 of 2019

¨The Director General of Shipping, requires any port or local authority proposing to prohibit open loop operation from their port or imposing any additional requirements, including, changeover to low Sulphur fuel oil, shall submit their request to the Director General of Shipping, along with the risk and impact assessment. If approved, a list of such ports where entry/berthing of ships with alternate means of compliance to IMO 2020 is prohibited shall be published on DGS web site, under intimation to the IMO and a letter issued to the respective port authority for public display and for duly alerting the ships calling their ports, in advance. No port in India shall prohibit or impose additional measures on ships certified for alternate means of compliance to IMO 2020, unless authorized by the competent authority as above.










All ports including ports anchorage area

¨The EGCS must be approved by the vessel’s flag states or recognized organization and must also be operated in accordance with the IMO Requirements, including the IMO 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (resolution MEPC.259 (68)).

¨Discharging of wash water from open loop EGC systems (Scrubber) is prohibited when ship is berthing alongside in any Israeli port, including ports anchorage area.

¨Residues generated by the EGC unit should be delivered ashore, such residues should not be discharged into the sea or incinerated onboard. Storage and disposal of EGCS residues should be recorded in an EGC log.

¨Reference: State of Israel Circular MP 27



Hong Kong



Hong Kong waters (Permitted)

¨No stated ban on EGCS discharge of wastewater, however, Hongkong regulation L.N 135 OF 2018 (section 7-1a) states that an exemption from use of non-compliant fuel is granted if the authorities are satisfied that a vessel uses technology that can reduce the emission of Sulphur dioxide when the vessel is in the waters of Hong Kong at least as effectively as the use of low Sulphur marine fuel.

¨Transferred to this list because the reference L.N. 135 of 2018 has already been obtained.





All ports, territorial waters



¨Reference: 19/2/2019 (MLIT) Japan

¨The of EGCS(Exhaust Gas Cleaning System) compliance with MARPOL requirements instead of using 0.10% low sulphur fuel oil is allowed ( No restrictions on washwater for open-loop scrubber) if in compliance with IMO Guidelines (MEPC.259(68) 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems).






All ports, territorial waters

¨Malaysia prohibits the discharge of wash water from the Open Loop scrubber system whilst in Malaysian waters. Vessels calling Malaysian ports must change over to compliant fuel before entering their territorial waters (12 nautical miles from the nearest land). (MSN 07/2019).

¨Ships transiting the Malacca Strait and not bound for any Malaysian port are excluded from this ban, as per MSN 08/2019.

¨Reference: MSN 07/2019 & MSN 08/2019





All ports, territorial waters

¨Under Marine Notice 09/2020 of Oman Ministry of Transport, discharge of wash water from open- loop scrubber into Oman ports and territorial waters is prohibited. Vessels fitted with open- loop scrubber must change over to use compliant fuel.

¨This regulation is also applicable to vessels passing Strait of Hormuz.

¨Reference: Marine Notice 09/2020




All ports

¨The Government of Pakistan Ministry of Maritime Affairs (Ports and Shipping) Circular 001/2020 prohibits the discharge of wash-water from open-loop scrubbers. If closed-loop scrubbers are not in use, then compliant fuel should be used and changed over before arriving in port waters.




All ports, territorial waters

¨Water discharges from scrubber containing any chemicals or metals from ships are strictly prohibited in Qatari waters.

¨Reference: Compliance to IMO 2020 Sulphur CAP – QP Ports.


Saudi Arabia


All ports, territorial waters

¨Discharge of open-loop scrubber wash water into territorial waters of Saudi Arabia is prohibited. Ships with open-loop scrubbers should switch to compliant fuel when entering Saudi water.

¨Reference: Circular No. (55) 2020




All ports

¨MPA announced that discharge of wash water from Open Loop scrubber is prohibited in Singapore port limits, as per Port Marine Circular No.19 of 2019.



South Korea

Incheon (including Kyongin Port), Pyeongtaek·Dangjin, Yeosu, Gwang-yang (including Hadong port), Busan, Ulsan



¨Reference: Korean Register No. 2020-ETC-06

¨The of EGCS(Exhaust Gas Cleaning System) compliance with MARPOL requirements instead of using 0.10% low sulphur fuel oil is allowed ( No restrictions on washwater for open-loop scrubber) if in compliance with IMO Guidelines (MEPC.259(68) 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems).







All ports, territorial waters

¨Under Circular to all P & I Clubs; Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanization prohibits the discharge of wash water from open-loop scrubber into Turkish territorial waters. Vessels fitted with open-loop scrubbers must change over to use compliant fuel.

¨Under No. E-84973951-140.99-698452 issued by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanization dated 06.04. 2021.It is forbidden to discharge any wash water of those scrubber systems into Turkish territorial waters. (Acquired the official notice)













United Arab Emirates







¨Port of Fujairah has decided to ban Open Loop scrubber in its waters.

¨Territorial limits of Port of Fujairah are 12 Nautical miles from the shoreline.

¨Reference: Notice to Mariners No. 252

¨Reference: Notice to Mariner No. 148 (Version 6) – page 35-36

¨The discharge of wash-water from any EGC unit (open loop scrubber system) as fitted to fuel oil combustion machinery installed on board a ship is strictly prohibited in Port of Fujairah (PoF) and Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area (FOAA).

¨If any vessel is found discharging carbon soot in Fujairah Waters will invite a fine of AED 200,000/- (Dirhams Two Hundred Thousand). This step has been taken to prevent occurrence of carbon soot discharge in Fujairah Waters which destroys our Marine Environment badly.

Dubai (Jebel Ali, Rashid, Hamriya)

¨Discharge of wash water from Open-Loop scrubber in Dubai territorial waters is prohibited.

¨IMO 2020 Sulphur Limit (Guidelines for Vessels calling Dubai territorial waters) sec-VII


Port of Ruwais

¨Open-loop scrubber is not restricted; however, local agent recommends that it should not be used.


Umm Al Quwain

¨Wash Water discharge is prohibited in port. Hence, vessels shall switch over to complaint fuel instead while operating within territorial waters.


Abu Dhabi (Khalifa, Mina Zayed)

¨Open-loop scrubber is not restricted; however, local agent recommends that it should not be used.

¨Reference: Vessel-discharge-and-maintenance guidelines for Owners-Masters and Agents 2013 (3.1) p-7












All ports (permitted- prohibition is currently suspended)

 ¨              The Provision 15/2020 of the Directorate of Environmental Protection prohibits the discharge of Exhaust Gas Cleaning System wash waters from ships with national registration or foreign registries, to waters of national jurisdiction – maritime and fluvial.

¨Argentine Naval prefecture issued Resolution DISFC-2020-22-APN-DPAM#PNA that suspended the enforcement of the Provision 15/2020.

¨IT&L Legal Consultants advise that this resolution took effect from 3 October 2020 and warn that

this suspension is provisional, and the restrictions have not been permanently overturned.










All ports

¨EGCS Discharging allowed? :NO

¨Wash water and residue from exhaust gas cleaning system shall not be disposed of in Bermuda or discharged into Bermuda’s waters but shall be stored onboard the ship until outside of Bermuda’s waters.

¨If the vessel has to use a closed-loop scrubber, permission needs to be sought from the authorities.

¨Bermuda’s territorial waters are defined as the sea within 12 nautical miles of the baselines.

¨Reference: Gov. of Bermuda Environmental Policy (Sec-3); Bermuda’s Territorial Waters

( ACQUIRED THE OFFICIAL NOTICE) Before it was in the list of countries unofficially announce.





Vale terminal  Vale S.A ports and terminals: Ponta da Madeira, Tubarao & Praia

Mole Complex, Ilha



¨Vale instructs arriving vessels that the discharge of EGCS wash water is not allowed while operating in its Brazilian ports and terminals.

¨Vale recommends that vessels should be changed over to compliant fuel before entering the contiguous zone or coastal waters (24 nautical miles from the coastline).

¨Reference: VALE STATEMENT December 20, 2019




British Virgin Island

Jurisdictional waters, territorial sea, contiguous and exclusive economic zone

¨Discharging of wash water from open loop mode EGC systems (Scrubber) is prohibited when ships are within BVI waters.

¨The residues/sludges arising from exhaust gas cleaning systems and wash waters produced by the Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) must be stored onboard as waste and should not be incinerated onboard or discharged to sea until outside of British Virgin Islands’ waters.

¨Reference: Virgin Island Shipping Registry Marine Circular 06/2021






¨The discharge of wash water from exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) from all fuel combustion running machinery (excluding main engines) into the environment is not permitted while a vessel is at anchorage or at berth within the Port of Vancouver.

¨Reference: Port of Vancouver 2021-11-24 Port information guide / 2022-02-07 Consideration report






Inland waters, territorial sea, and contiguous zone

¨The discharge of wash water is prohibited within inland waters, territorial sea, and the Colombian contiguous zone.

¨Vessels carrying hybrid SLGE on board while within internal waters, Colombian waters, territorial sea, and Colombian contiguous zone shall go into close loop mode.

¨Reference: Dirección General Marítima, Autoridad Marítima Colombiana Circular CR‐

20200135 dated 29/07/2020 (available only in Spanish)







Panama Canal

¨The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) prohibits the use of open-loop scrubbers when transiting Panama Canal.

¨Advisory to shipping No. A-39-2019

¨OP NOTICE TO SHIPPING No. N-1-2022 SECTION 29-5: Residues from the Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) wash water are to be collected on board. Discharging these residues into the water bodies under the responsibility of the Panama Canal or incinerating them onboard is not










United States of America



¨EGCS Discharging allowed? :NO

¨California Air Resources Board’s Ocean-Going Vessel Regulation only allows the use of marine distillate fuels (MGO/MDO) with Sulphur content of 0.10% max in Californian waters.

¨Vessels must switch to compliant fuel before entering the Californian coast (24 nautical miles of the California baseline ).


¨Discharge of wash water into Connecticut waters from any vessel is prohibited under Vessel General Permit (VGP) 2013 section 6.5.9.

Port Canaveral

¨Discharge of wash water into Port Canaveral waters from any vessel is prohibited under Tariff no.16 Rule no. 500

Port Everglades

¨Discharge of wash water into Port Everglades waters from any vessel is prohibited under Tariff no.12 Item no. 1015


Port of Seattle

¨Port of Seattle Terminals Tariff No. 5, Item 4001 states that passenger cruise ships will not discharge greywater, blackwater, or exhaust gas cleaning system wash water, whether treated or not while at berth in Port Terminals.

NOTE: Vessels with open-loop scrubbers are advised to use compliant fuel before entering waters covered by VGP requirements (3 nautical miles of the US shore) if they cannot achieve their specified limit.

*Final 2013 VGP* Exhaust Gas Scrubber wash water Discharge Standards Ph

The discharge of wash water from the exhaust gas scrubber treatment system must have a Ph of no less than 6.0 measured at the ship’s overboard discharge, with the exception that during maneuvering and transit, the maximum difference between inlet and outlet of 2.0 Ph units is allowed. This difference is to be measured at the ship’s inlet and overboard discharge.












All ports

¨Discharge of wash water from scrubber system is prohibited in Belgian ports or inland waters. The Legal reference is [Law of 26 March 1971 on the protection of surface waters against pollution (transposition of the Water Framework Directive in Flanders)].

¨Ships sailing to/from Antwerp are prohibited from using open-loop scrubber while on the Belgian side of the border.

¨Reference: Brussels, ENV.C.3-RH Ref. Ares (2016) 254855-18-01-2016





All ports

& territorial waters (Conditional)

¨Estonian Maritime Administration Circular No.4 (21.10.2019 No 5-1-7/4) states detailed requirements for wastewater discharge, including the need for prior port authorization if wash water is to be discharged in port areas.

¨If the ship owner can demonstrate that the washing water from the EGCS meets international requirements, discharge into the sea is permitted.



All port

¨Discharges to the marine environment of effluent from open-system abatement methods are prohibited within 3 nautical miles of the nearest land in waters under French jurisdiction.

¨Reference: PV CCS 957/INF.02






All ports

¨According to Article 3(1) of the CNDI (Convention on the Collection, Deposit and Reception of Waste occurring in the Course of Navigation Inland and on the Rhine), the discharge of ship-generated waste by all ships, including seagoing vessels, is prohibited. Scrubber wash water can be classified as ship-generated waste.

¨The CNDI is applicable to all German inland waterways open to all general transport.















¨The discharge of exhaust gas scrubber wash water is prohibited within the limits of Port of Cork Co. Applies to all vessels berthed at any berth within the port’s jurisdiction and vessel on transit to and from any berth or anchorage.

¨Port limits commence at the Eamonn De Valera and Michael Collins bridge in the city and extend to an imaginary arc with a radius of 9.65 kilometers drawn seawards from Roches point.

¨Reference: Notice to Mariners No. 15 of 2018




¨Wash water from exhaust gas scrubber system shall not be discharged to surface waters within the jurisdiction of Dublin Port Co.

¨Limits of Dublin port from Matt Talbot Memorial Bridge eastward to a line from the Baily Lighthouse through the North and South Buford buoys and through Sorrento Point.

¨Reference: Notice to Mariners No. 21 of 2019 (Section 3.3)



¨The discharge of exhaust gas scrubber wash water is prohibited within the limits of Port of Waterford Co. Applies to all vessels berthed at any berth within the port’s jurisdiction and vessel on transit to and from any berth or anchorage.

¨Reference: Notice to Mariners No. 01 of 2019



¨Where Exhaust Gas Cleaning System are operational on vessels, those of the CLOSED LOOP type only are permitted within the port limits of the Shannon Estuary.

¨Reference: Shannon port information guide 4.13 Marine Fuel Sulphur Content Limit)



Ports and Territorial water (permitted with


¨Reference: Netherland Washwater regulation 2022 (Accessed 21-07-2022)

¨Ships that use emission reduction methods as referred to in Article 14, second paragraph, part c, discharge the wastewater resulting from these methods in accordance with the requirements set

out in Annex II of Directive 2016/802. /EU discharge criteria.




Nærøyfjord, Aurlandsfjord, Geirangerfjord, Synnulvsfjord and Tafjord

¨Norwegian Maritime Authority prohibits the use of open-loop scrubbers in the Norwegian fjords.

¨Ships using closed-loop scrubber or hybrid scrubber on closed-loop mode are required to use the device for reducing visible emissions to air.

¨Reference: Circular-Series R No. 02-2019 (Section 14b)







All ports

¨Use of open-loop scrubbers are not allowed from an entry of the ship into the port, along the port-channel and at berth (moored), until the ship leaves the port. Only closed-loop operation is allowed.

¨Reference: Decree-Law No.226-A.2007 (Portugues)




All ports

¨Information from the Slovenian Maritime Authority dated 23/03/2021 refers to the “Water Act” (Official Gaz. no. 67/02) in detail: Article 66, paragraph 4. The discharge of wash water of open- loop EGCS is prohibited, furthermore even the use of an open-loop EGCS in Slovenian waters is prohibited (only closed-loop EGCS is allowed).



Valencia Sagunto Gandia

¨Not authorize to use Open Loop SOx scrubber and discharge wash water in the port limit

¨Reference: AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA DE VALÈNCIA - Número de Referencia: INS_01_2023 (Spanish version only)







PetroPort, Stenungsund

¨Section 12 of PetroPort Harbor regulation states that Vessels calling at the port are not allowed to use an Open-loop scrubber.



¨Water or pollution may not be discharged from ships at port or on other ships in the port; nor is it permitted to discharge scrubber water from onboard treatment plants into the harbor

basin, under Paragraph 29 of the Swedish language version of the Trelleborg port regulation.



¨Port of Gothenburg general port regulation item 8.10: It is not permitted to discharge contaminated water within the port area. Scrubbers used for exhaust gas cleaning are only permitted if operated in closed loop mode. (Acquired the official notice) Before it was in the list of unofficially announce








United Kingdom





Port of Tilbury Port of Milford Haven

Forth Ports and Port of Dundee

¨Port of London- Authority Notice No.15 of 2020: Following the review, the PLA will continue to allow the use of both open and closed loop scrubbers in the tidal Thames until further evidence is presented. However, open loop scrubbers are not permitted at any berths operated by the Port of Tilbury. Other individual berth operators may have their own restrictions on the use of scrubbers, agents/owners are therefore advised to contact any berth operators directly for advice.

¨Port of Milford Haven Notice to Mariners No. 127 OF 2019: This Notice to Mariners is to communicate Milford Haven Port Authority (MHPA) policy on the prohibition of discharge of exhaust gas scrubber wash water.

¨Port of Milford Haven Annual Standing Notice No.24 of 2022- Policy on the Use of Open-Loop Exhaust Scrubbers: Wash water from exhaust gas scrubber system shall not be discharge to surface waters within its jurisdiction.

¨Forth Ports and Port of Dundee Byelaw 59 specifically prohibits the discharge of materials into the Forth and Tay. This applies to discharge water from open-loop scrubber.

¨Reference: Notice to Mariners No.45 of 2019












Suez Canal

¨Wash water from exhaust gas cleaning system shall not be discharged into the water during vessels transit of Suez Canal, as per Suez Canal Authority Circular No.8/2019.

¨Our fleet should use compliant fuel when passing the Suez Canal under Flag State requirement whether Egypt has yet to ratify MARPOL Annex VI.





All ports and territorial sea

¨Reference: Ghana Gazette, 1st July 2021 (2193) Maritime Circular Shipping Notice No. 019: The Ghana Maritime Authority wishes to bring attention that the discharge of wash water from open-loop exhaust gas scrubbers in Ghanaian ports and territorial sea is prohibited. (Acquired the official notice) Before it was in the unofficially announced list.











All ports

¨Kenya’s National Guidelines on Implementation of IMO 2020 confirms in regulation Section 7 that the discharge of washwater from open-loop scrubbers is prohibited in the Kenyan Ports Limits.

¨7.1: The discharge of wash-water from open-loop scrubbers is prohibited in the Kenyan Ports limits. This is to maintain the standard of Kenya marine water quality.

¨7.2: While in the port of Mombasa, ships fitted with hybrid type of scrubbers shall switch to the closed- loop mode of operation. Ships fitted with open-loop scrubbers shall switch over to compliant fuel oil. (Acquired the official Notice) Before it was in the unofficially announce list.








All ports and territorial waters

¨Reference: Merchant shipping Notice Ref. 2 of 2019 (3.9): However, (except in the case of innocent passage), ships proceeding to Mauritius or other islands forming part of the territory of Mauritius that use high Sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) in combination with open-loop scrubber shall changeover from HSFO to compliant fuel oil whenever they enter the territorial waters of Mauritius i.e., within 12 nautical miles from the shore. Environmental legislation presently in force in Mauritius prohibits the discharge of wash water from open loop scrubber. (Acquired the official Notice) Before it was in the unofficially announced list.



South Africa


All ports (Permitted)

¨Reference: Marine Notice No. 42 of 2020 / 22 of 2019 & 8 of 2019.

¨Scrubbers can be used as a method of compliance with fuel sulphur regulations and overboard discharges are permitted, if in compliance with IMO Guidelines (MEPC.259(68) 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems).










New Zealand




New Zealand territorial waters

¨Preparing for entry into New Zealand waters by carrying compliant low Sulphur fuel in order to use this when operating in sensitive environments, as identified by the relevant regional authorities.

¨Operating closed-loop scrubber functionality in zero discharge mode and retaining any effluent on board until able to dispose of it at the next available port facility.

¨Discharging any open-loop scrubber wash water outside territorial waters.

¨Reference: (New Zealand) Guide on open loop scrubbers

















Australian port limit

¨According to AMSA Maritime Notice 2-2021, Discharge of wash water from EGCS is still permitted in Australian waters but vessel owners, operators and Masters are encouraged to avoid discharging wash water within Australian port limits.

¨Marine Notice 12-2022 supersedes marine notice 02-2021. According to Marine Notice 12- 2022, The use of an EGCS is permitted in Australian waters as an option to comply with the low Sulphur fuel requirements of MARPOL Annex VI, provided it is approved by the vessel’s flag states Administration, or recognized organization appointed by the flag state. The EGCS must also be operated in accordance with International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements, including the 2021 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (resolution MEPC.340(77). Crew members be properly trained in the use of the EGCS, and the system must be kept in good working order with up-to-date maintenance including EGCS documents must be maintained onboard and made available for inspection. Prior to being discharge into Australian waters, EGCS wash water must comply with discharge water quality criteria set out in the 2021 EGCS guidelines. While there are no prohibitions on the discharge of wash water from EGCS in Australian waters, some port Authorities may encourage vessels to avoid discharging wash water within port limits.







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前文链接: 双燃料散货船长能拿月薪14000?


作者:孙士森 船长














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