日前,美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)出台了一项新规,明确提到,一旦FMC发现承运人向托运人收取的费用“不合理”,或有其他可能违反美国《海运改革法案》(the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022)的行为,FMC会立即下令,让承运人退还费用。新规将于今年4月生效。
- 集装箱可用日期
(Date that container is made available)
- 卸货港
(Port of discharge)
- 集装箱号码
(Container number)
- 出口集装箱最早返箱日期
(Earliest return date for export containers)
- 免箱期
(Number of allowed free-time days for holding containers)
- 免箱期起止时间
(Free time start and end dates)
- 基于运费标准的滞期费规则
(Applicable detention or demurrage rule on which the daily rate is based)
- 应付总额
(Total amount due)
- 有关问题或费用减免请求的联系信息
(Contact information for questions or requests for mitigation of fees)
- 声明符合FMC关于滞期费和滞箱费的相关规定
(statement that the charges are consistent with any of FMC rules with respect to detention and demurrage)
- 声明公共承运人的履约行为,没有导致或产生相关发票费
(statement that the common carrier’s performance did not cause or contribute to the underlying invoiced charges)
对于FMC出台的新规,美国农业运输联盟执行董事Peter Friedmann认为,这对承运人的约束仍然不够。其表示,美国国会目前正在考虑新的海运规定,可能涉及对承运人更严格的监管和处罚。