1. 议程采纳;资格审查报告
1. Adoption of the agenda; report on credentials
2. IMO其他机构的决定
2. Decisions of other IMO bodies
3. 强制性文书修正案的审议和通过
3. Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments
4. 基于目标的新船舶建造标准
4. Goal-based new ship construction standards
5. 制定海上自主水面船舶(MASS)基于目标的文书
5. Development of a goal-based instrument for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)
6. 加强海上安全的措施
6. Measures to enhance maritime security
7. 海盗和武装劫持船舶
7. Piracy and armed robbery against ships
8. 不安全的海上混合移民
8. Unsafe mixed migration by sea
9. 综合安全评估
9. Formal safety assessment
10. 人的因素、培训和值班(HTW 8报告)
10. Human element, training and watchkeeping (Report of the eighth session of the Sub-Committee)
11. 船舶系统和设备(SDC 8报告)
11. Ship systems and equipment (Report of the eighth session of the Sub-Committee)
12. 污染预防和响应(PPR 9产生的事项)
12. Pollution prevention and response (matters emanating from the ninth session of the Sub-Committee)
13. 航行、通信和搜救(NCSR 9报告)
13. Navigation, communications and search and rescue (report of the ninth session of the Sub-Committee)
14. IMO文书的实施(III 8报告)
14. Implementation of IMO instruments (Report of the eighth session of the Sub-Committee)
15. 委员会工作方法的适用
15. Application of the Committee's method of work
16. 工作计划
16. Work programme
17. 选举2023年的主席和副主席
17. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2023
18. 其他事项
18. Any other business
19. 审议MSC 106会议报告
19. Consideration of the report of the Committee on its 106th session
03-16 来源:石珣 中国船检
03-13 来源:中华人民共和国海事局
07-15 来源:青岛海事
05-16 来源:陈维工作室 浦东海事
10-08 来源:连云港海事
01-11 来源:航运运价交易SSEFC
09-08 来源:Capt.Jin 我的航海世界
11-04 来源: 海事综合服务平台
01-04 来源:青岛海事
09-23 来源:国际航运法律研究