1. 议程采纳
1. Adoption of the agenda
2. IMO 其他机构的决定
2. Decisions of other IMO bodies
3. 审议和分析港口接收设施不充足的报告(7.7)
3. Consideration and analysis of reports on alleged inadequacy of port .reception facilities (7.7)
4. 从海事安全调查报告的分析中吸取的教训和确定的安全问题(7.4)
4. Lessons learned and safety issues identified from the analysis of marine safety investigation reports (7.4)
5. 协调全球港口国监督(PSC)活动和程序的措施(1.11)
5. Measures to harmonize port State control (PSC) activities and procedures worldwide (1.11)
6. 制定PSC人员入职培训手册(6.10)
6. Development of an entrant training manual for PSC personnel (6.10)
7. 分析PSC数据以确定有关IMO文书履约方面的问题(7.5)
7. Identified issues relating to the implementation of IMO instruments from the analysis of PSC data (7.5)
8. 综合审计摘要报告分析(1.4)
8. Analysis of consolidated audit summary reports (1.4)
9. 制定与IMSAS有关的指南,以协助成员国实施《III规则》(1.14)
9. Development of guidance in relation to IMSAS to assist in the implementation of the III Code by Member States (1.14)
10. 更新检验和发证协调系统(HSSC)下的检验导则(7.27)
10. Updated Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) (7.27)
11. 与《III规则》有关的文件的非详尽义务清单(1.5)
11. Non-exhaustive list of obligations under instruments relevant to the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code) (1.5)
12. 制定远程检验、《ISM规则》审核和《ISPS规则》验证的评估和应用指南(1.29)
12. Development of guidance on assessments and applications of remote surveys, ISM Code audits and ISPS Code verifications (1.29)
13. IMO安全、安保和环境相关公约规定的统一解释(7.1)
13. Unified interpretation of provisions of IMO safety, security and environment-related conventions (7.1)
14. 处理船舶海洋塑料垃圾行动计划的后续工作(4.3)
14. Follow-up work emanating from the Action Plan to Address Marine Plastic Litter from Ships (4.3)
15. 两年期议程和III 9临时议题
15. Biennial agenda and provisional agenda for III 9
16. 2023年主席和副主席的选举
16. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2023
17. 其他事项
17. Any other business
18. 委员会报告
18. Report to the Committees
03-16 来源:石珣 中国船检
03-13 来源:中华人民共和国海事局
07-15 来源:青岛海事
05-16 来源:陈维工作室 浦东海事
10-08 来源:连云港海事
01-11 来源:航运运价交易SSEFC
09-08 来源:Capt.Jin 我的航海世界
11-04 来源: 海事综合服务平台
01-04 来源:青岛海事
09-23 来源:国际航运法律研究