1. 议题的通过
1. Adoption of the agenda
2. IMO其他机构的决定
2. Decisions of other IMO bodies
3. 航线设计措施和强制性船舶报告系统(6.24)
3. Routeing measures and mandatory ship reporting systems (6.24)
4. 更新LRIT系统(6.25)
4. Updates to the LRIT system (6.25)
5. 制定船载卫星导航系统接收机设备性能标准(2.12)
5. Development of generic performance standards for shipborne satellite navigation system receiver equipment (2.12)
6. 非-SOLAS船舶在极地水域作业的安全措施(6.38)
6. Safety measures for non-SOLAS ships operating in polar waters (6.38)
7. 考虑在E-Navigation背景下对海事服务的描述(2.11)
7. Consideration of descriptions of Maritime Services in the context of e-navigation (2.11)
8. 修订《为需要援助的船舶提供避难场所的指南》(1.20)
8. Revision of the Guidelines on places of refuge for ships in need of assistance (resolution A.949(23)) (1.20)
9. 制定与《1974年SOLAS公约》关于GMDSS现代化的修正案有关的现有文书的修正案(2.10)
9. Development of revisions and amendments to existing instruments relating to the amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention for modernization of the GMDSS (2.10)
10. GMDSS服务的发展,包括《海上安全信息指南》(MSI) (6.2)
10. Developments in GMDSS services, including guidelines on maritime safety information (MSI) (6.2)
11. 修订GMDSS关于提供移动卫星通信服务的准则(决议A.1001(25))
11. Revision of the Criteria for the provision of mobile satellite communication services in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) (resolution A.1001(25))
12. 对与ITU-R研究组和ITU世界无线电通信大会有关的事项的反馈(2.1)
12. Response to matters related to the ITU-R Study Groups and ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (2.1)
13. 发展全球海上搜救服务,包括协调海事和航空程序(1.34)
13. Development of global maritime SAR services, including harmonization of maritime and aeronautical procedures (1.34)
14. 《IAMSAR手册》修正案(6.21)
14. Amendments to the IAMSAR Manual (6.21)
15. 《关于在多人伤亡情况下应急个人无线电设备的培训和操作指南》
15. Guidance on the training on and operation of emergency personal radio devices in multiple casualty situations
16. 经修订的《ECDIS良好操作指南》(MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1),以及《ECDIS性能标准》修正案(决议MSC.232(82))
16. Revision of ECDIS Guidance for good practice (MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1) and amendments to ECDIS performance standards (resolution MSC.232(82))
17. 制定《VDR性能标准和配备要求》的修正案
17. Development of amendments to VDR performance standards and carriage requirements
18. 制定《SOLAS公约》关于在集装箱船和散货船上强制配备电子倾斜仪的修正案
18. Development of SOLAS amendments for mandatory carriage of electronic inclinometers on container ships and bulk carriers
19. IMO安全、安保、环境、便利、责任和赔偿相关公约规定的统一解释(6.1)
19. Unified interpretation of provisions of IMO safety, security, environment, facilitation, liability and compensation-related conventions (6.1)
20. 示范培训课程的确认(1.3)
20. Validated model training courses (1.3)
21. 两年期状态报告和NCSR 10临时议题
21. Biennial status report and provisional agenda for NCSR 10
22. 2023年主席和副主席的选举
22. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2023
23. 其他事项
23. Any other business
24. 向海上安全委员会的报告
24. Report to the Maritime Safety Committee
03-16 来源:石珣 中国船检
03-13 来源:中华人民共和国海事局
07-15 来源:青岛海事
05-16 来源:陈维工作室 浦东海事
10-08 来源:连云港海事
01-11 来源:航运运价交易SSEFC
09-08 来源:Capt.Jin 我的航海世界
11-04 来源: 海事综合服务平台
01-04 来源:青岛海事
09-23 来源:国际航运法律研究