

ACOPS Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea 1983 www.acops.org.uk
ASEF ilding Experts' Federation 2017 www.asef2015.com
BIC Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal 2011 www.bic-code.org
BIMCO BIMCO 1969 www.bimco.org
CEFIC European Chemical Industry Council 1971 www.cefic.org
CESA Community of European Shipyards’ Associations 1979 www.cesa.eu
CIRM Comité International Radio-Maritime 1961 www.cirm.org
CLIA Cruise Lines International Association 1993 www.cruising.org
CMI Comité Maritime International 1967 www.comitemaritime.org
CSC Clean Shipping Coalition 2011 www.cleanshipping.org
DGAC Dangerous Goods Advisory Council 1989 www.dgac.org
EUROMOT The European Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers 1993 www.euromot.eu
FOEI Friends of the Earth International 1973 www.foei.org
FONASBA The Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents 2007 www.fonasba.com
GlobalMET Global Maritime Education and Training Association 2009 www.globalmet.org
Greenpeace International Greenpeace International 1991 www.greenpeace.org/international
IACS International Association of Classification Societies 1969 www.iacs.org.uk
IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors 1975 www.iadc.org
IAIN International Association of Institutes of Navigation 1975 www.iainav.org
IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities 1961 www.iala-aism.org
IAMU International Association of Maritime Universities 2007 www.iamu-edu.org
IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbors 1967 www.iaphworldports.org
IBIA International Bunker Industry Association 2005 www.ibia.net
IBTA International Bulk Terminals Association 2001 www.drybulkterminals.org
ICC International Chamber of Commerce 1961 www.iccwbo.org
ICHCA ICHCA International Ltd. 1969 www.ichca.com
ICMA International Christian Maritime Association 2001 www.icma.as
ICOMIA International Council of Marine Industry Associations 1975 www.icomia.com
ICS International Chamber of Shipping 1961 www.ics-shipping.org
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 1961 www.iec.ch
IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare 2007 www.ifaw.org
IFSMA International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations 1975 www.ifsma.org
IHMA International Harbour Masters’ Association 2001 www.harbourmaster.org
IICL Institute of International Container Lessors 1975 www.iicl.org
IIDM Iberoamerican Institute of Maritime Law 1995 www.iidmaritimo.org
IIMA International Iron Metallics Association Ltd. 2011 www.metallics.org
ILAMA International Life-saving Appliance Manufacturers' Association 1975 www.ilama.org
IMarEST The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology 1985 www.imarest.org
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association 1999 www.imca-int.com
IMHA International Maritime Health Association 2003 www.imha.net
IMLA International Maritime Lecturers Association 1993 www.imla.co
IMPA International Maritime Pilots' Association 1973 www.impahq.org
IMRF International Maritime Rescue Federation 1985 www.international-maritime-rescue.org
INTERCARGO International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners 1993 www.intercargo.org
INTERFERRY INTERFERRY 2003 www.interferry.com
InterManager International Ship Managers’ Association 1995 www.intermanager.org
INTERPORTPOLICE International Association of Airport and Seaport Police 2009 www.interportpolice.org
INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners 1979 www.intertanko.com
IOGP International Association of Oil & Gas Producers 1975 www.iogp.org
IOI International Ocean Institute 1999 www.ioinst.org
IPCSA International Port Community Systems Association 2015 www.ipcsa.international
IPIECA IPIECA Limited 1995 www.ipieca.org
IPPIC International Paint and Printing Ink Council 2007 www.ippic.org
IPTA International Parcel Tankers Association 1997 www.ipta.org.uk
ISCO International Spill Control Organization 2007 www.spillcontrol.org
ISO International Organization for Standardization 1961 www.iso.org
ISSA International Shipsuppliers & Services Association 1989 www.shipsupply.org
ISU International Salvage Union 1975 www.marine-salvage.com
ITF International Transport Workers’ Federation 2007 (ICFTU 1961-2007) www.itfglobal.org
ITOPF ITOPF Ltd. 1981 www.itopf.com
ITTC International Towing Tank Conference 2005 www.ittc.info
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature 1981 www.iucn.org
IUMI International Union of Marine Insurance 1961 www.iumi.com
IVODGA International Vessel Operators Dangerous Goods Association, Inc. 2001 www.ivodga.com
IWMA International Water Mist Association 2015 www.iwma.net
NACE International NACE International 2009 www.nace.org
NI The Nautical Institute 2009 www.nautinst.org
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum 1971 www.ocimf.com
P & I Clubs International Group of Protection and Indemnity Associations 1979 www.igpandi.org
Pacific Environment Pacific Environment 2011 www.pacificenvironment.org
Pew The Pew Charitable Trusts 2017 www.pewtrusts.org
RINA The Royal Institution of Naval Architects 2001 www.rina.org.uk
SGMF Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel Ltd. 2019 www.sgmf.info
SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd. 1983 www.sigtto.org
SYBAss Superyacht Builders Association 2011 www.sybass.org
WISTA International Women's International Shipping and Trading Association Limited 2019 www.wistainternational.com
WNTI World Nuclear Transport Institute 1999 www.wnti.co.uk
World Sailing World Sailing Ltd. 1999 www.sailing.org
WSC World Shipping Council 2009 www.worldshipping.org
WWF World Wide Fund for Nature 1993 wwf.panda.org






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