Manila Foreign Crew Change Updated Procedures
Please note crew change (foreign and local crew) allowed in Manila South Harbour (Anchorage)
Subic and Bataan only allowed local crew change.
Sign-On Requirements 外籍船员上船需要文件
Documentation Requirements:
1. Confirmed Flight Details 有效的航班机票信息
2. Letter Request 申请信 (Agent will prepare 代理准备)
3. Guarantee Letter 担保函(Agene will prepare 代理准备)
4. Copy of Passport 护照扫描件
5. Copy of 9C Visa 海员 9C签证扫描件 (Agent will prepare invatation letter and crew or owner apply 9C visa in local embassy代理提前发邀请函,船员/船员公司拿邀请函去菲律宾驻当地大使馆申请办理签证)
6. RT-PCR Test Copy 核酸检测扫描件 (From country of origin must be valid for 72hrs 检测结果72个小时有效)
Sign-off Requirements 外籍船员下船需要文件
Documentation Requirements:
1. Confirmed flight details 有效的的航班机票信息
2. Letter Request (with No Dero Stamp) 申请信(Agent will prepare代理准备)(如果申请船员名字和菲律宾移民局黑名单名字同名,需要办理文件证明船员和名单上不是同一人)
3. Guarantee Letter 担保函 (Agent will prepare 代理准备)
4. Copy of vessel’s NOA 船舶到港通知扫描件
5. Copy of Passport 护照扫描件
6. Copy of Seaman’s Book 海员证扫描件
7. Copy of Visaed Crew list with O.R. 进港移民局签的签证,收据 扫描件
8. BOQ Medical Clearance 建议局签发的clearence
9. 9C Visa (Agent will prepare invatation letter and crew or owner apply 9C visa in local embassy代理提前发邀请函,船员/船员公司拿邀请函去菲律宾驻当地大使馆申请办理签证)
DFA (菲律宾外交部)下船船员备案。 注从2020年9月7日起, 不在需要向外交部备案。
Local crew( Filipino ) change
Agent will procee vessel entry formalities and departure clearence and local crew manning company will be the one to process cew sign on/off documents.
Reshipping Requirements 交换船员,两条船需要的文件
Change crew form one vessel to another vessel 船员从一条船换到另外一船
- Ship’s Particulars of both vessel that indicate same owner name 两条船的船舶规范显示属于同一船东
- Front page of crew’s contract indicating the vessel’s name (where he will be transferred) and owner’s name same with the owner in ship’s particulars船员劳工合约,显示船名和船舶规范上相应的船东名字
- Notice of Arrival (Both Vessels) 两条船的到港通知
- Crew List (Both vessels) 两条船船员名单
- Explanation Letter why the crew doesn’t have 9C Visa 解释船员没有拿到9C船员签证原因(Agent will prepare 代理准备)
- Free pratique (Both vessels) 两条船进港许可
- Visa crew fee receipt ( Both vessels) 两条船移民局签证缴费收据
- CE Waiver (Agent will prepare代理办理)
- Dero (Agent will prepare代理办理)
- Reshipping Process (Agent will prepare 代理办理)
-Admin Process (Agent will prepare 代理办理)
- Vessel particulars (Both vessels) 两船船舶规范
Note: Above Crew change Policy/Requirements may change, please keep in touch with us if have any inquire.
Jake Shi/施玉谦
CELL: 0063-917-808-0063
QQ&WECHAT: 2880193281
2626 Maytubig Steet, Malate, Manila.
New tel.: (02) 242-2281
E-MAIL: agency@philhua.com.ph
WEBSITE: www.philhua.com
06-10 来源:信德海事网
03-24 来源:江苏海事发布
10-13 来源:信德海事网 苏婉
02-02 来源:信德海事网
04-01 来源:信德海事网
09-27 来源:信德海事网
06-01 来源:连云港海事
05-19 来源:信德海事网
09-26 来源:中国航海学会
09-28 来源:信德海事网