Major ports across China on Tuesday saw their container throughput up 11.7 percent from Monday, according to the data released Wednesday by the logistics guarantee office under the State Council.
China's railway freight transportation kept running at a high level on Tuesday, with a total of 10.974 million tons of freight transported, showing a day-on-day decline of 0.53 percent.
China saw 7.288 million trucks running on expressways on Tuesday, up by 3.87 percent from Monday.
On Tuesday, major ports across the country handled 32.919 million tons of cargo, showing a day-on-day decrease of 2.3 percent, and saw the container throughput reach 808,000 units, up 11.7 percent over Monday.
China's civil aviation sector saw 805 cargo flights operate on Tuesday, up 33.7 percent from the previous day.
The postal sector collected around 350 million parcels, and delivered around 325 million on Tuesday, respectively up 0.3 percent and down 1.2 percent day on day.
Source: CCTV
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