  >  PORT

CTOS3.0 business processing system of Ningbo Zhoushan Port is online

At 7:00 on April 18th, CTOS3.0 independently developed by Ningbo Zhoushan Port was successfully launched, which solved the problem of increasing container throughput and timely processing of production business.
It is an important display of another "hard core" force on the road of technological innovation of Zhejiang port.
CTOS is an important supporting system of N-TOS for container terminal production control management system, which relies on digital means to solve the repetitive and complicated business contents such as terminal production operation planning, operation statistics and billing.
In the next step, CTOS3.0 will be promoted and applied in other terminals to continuously optimize the standard management process of container terminals, and effectively integrate with the major business platforms and big data platforms of the Group to facilitate the construction of smart ports of the Group.

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