  >  PORT

Tianjin Port completed an investment of 1.83 billion yuan

By the end of August, Tianjin Port Group had completed 1.83 billion yuan of investment in its projects, an increase of 31 percent from the same period last year.

The intelligent container terminal of Section C of Beijiang Port is an important measure to implement the important instructions given by President Xi during his inspection of Tianjin Port and strive to build a world-class green and intelligent hub port.

At present, the project has completed 73.7% of the annual planned investment, exceeding the planned target, and the overall construction progress of the project has completed 49.7%.

Beijiang Port Chighai Automobile Loading and unloading terminal project, designed annual throughput of 500,000 commercial vehicles. By the end of August, 74.8 percent of the annual plan had been fulfilled, and 7.6% of the original plan was over fulfilled.

At present, the pile sinking construction of the wharf section has been completed. 85% of the total amount of the dredging section of the harbor has been completed. The overall construction progress of the project is 53% completed.


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