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Zhejiang FTZ resumed supply business of international ships

At about 6 PM on July 17, the material supply ship “AN DA GONG SHUI 6” arrived at the anchorage outside Xiazhimen, Putuo District, Zhoushan. The cargo was supplied to the Turkish bulk carrier "Mamora" by means of "non-contact" personnel.

This is the first comprehensive supply business launched in Zhoushan after the epidemic, which also means that some of the anchorage supply business suspended by the epidemic in Zhoushan has pressed the "restart button".

" Mamora” also added 1,200 tons of low-sulfur oil and completed a total of 400,000 U.S. dollars worth of comprehensive replenishment, which is a good start to fully resume integrated maritime business.

Before supplying materials for international sailing ships, the General Office of Marine Service Base construction headquarters shall assess the risk level of epidemic prevention and control of ships according to the requirements of customs for international sailing ships.

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