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Guangdong's first 300,000-ton oil terminal put into operation

Located in Daya Bay Petrochemical Zone, Huaying Petrochemical Fuel oil Distribution Center and supporting port project has been officially approved by Huizhou Transportation Bureau.
This project has a 300,000-ton super large oil product receiving and unloading terminal, which is the first 300,000-ton public oil terminal put into operation in Guangdong province.
Since the beginning of this year, due to the dual impact of the oil market and the epidemic, the international crude oil prices have continued to drop significantly.
Huaying petrochemical project has the largest public petrochemical product storage base and the largest fuel oil blending device in South China, and has ushered in a rare development opportunity.
With the rapid development of Daya Bay Petrochemical Park, the total demand for crude oil of large petrochemical enterprises such as CNOOC and ExxonMobil in the next few years will increase continuously.
Huaying will give full play to its resource advantages, attract more customers to settle in, strive to achieve annual fuel oil throughput of 2 million to 3 million tons, and expand fuel oil storage and transfer business in South China.

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