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Drewry: World Container Index Down 1.7% This Week

The composite index decreased 1.7% this week but, 13.1% up when compared with same period of 2019.
The average composite index of the WCI, assessed by Drewry for year-to-date, is $1,627 per 40ft container, which is $247 higher than the five-year average of $1,380 per 40ft container.
Drewry’s composite World Container index decreased by 1.7% to $1,503.98 per 40ft container. Freight rates on New York–Rotterdam waned 8% or $44 to touch $504 per feu. Rates from Shanghai to Los Angeles declined 6% to reach $1,605 per 40ft box, however 7% above the level of previous year. Similarly, spot rates from Rotterdam to Shanghai dropped 5% to $974 for a 40ft box, but 79% up from the same period of 2019. Conversely, Shanghai to Rotterdam rates climbed 3% and stood at $1,475 per 40ft container. Drewry expects rates to remain challenged in the coming week.
Source: Drewry

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