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Xiamen intl cruise home port delivers 320,000 tourists

The Xiamen International Cruise Home Port had welcomed more than 320,000 tourists by December 13, a record high annual throughput, local media reported.
The departure of the liner Costa Atlantica, made by the largest cruise ship company in Europe, Costa Crociere, from the Xiamen home port marked the last day of its home port operation this year.
The Xiamen International Cruise Home Port was visited by 95 international cruise ships in 2018 carrying more than 320,000 tourists, a double year-on-year increase.
Ship routes along the Maritime Silk Road countries contributed a lot to the increase. This year, the Xiamen port operated a total of 12 such routes carrying more than 50,000 visitors.
China's first ship routes to six Southeast Asian countries were also launched at the port this year.
In addition, the number of containers delivered to the countries along the Maritime Silk Road at Xiamen port has maintained two digit increases for five consecutive years, which greatly advanced trade exchanges between China and the Maritime Silk Road countries.

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