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Cosco's terminal volumes in August jump 12pc

COSCO Shipping Ports' (CSP) container volumes in August rose by 12 per cent year on year to 8.7 million TEU on the back of strong growth at its northern China ports, with box throughput at its terminals in the Bohai Rim region rising 22 per cent to 1.8 million TEU.
The group's overseas ports continued to be the top performers in terms of growth rate with total throughput up 32 per cent compared to August 2017 to 2.1 million TEU and accounting for the second highest overall throughput behind the Pearl River Delta ports.
Its terminals in the Pearl River Delta registered three per cent growth in traffic to 2.5 million TEU after volumes rebounded slightly going into the high season, reported Seatrade Maritime News, Colchester, UK. 
The Hong Kong cluster of terminals continued to record declines after volumes dropped 10 per cent to 264,500 TEU. This decrease was offset by the Guangzhou terminals, which saw volumes surge eight per cent to reach one million TEU.
The industrial base in the Yangtze River Delta continues to slow down with throughput flat at 1.7 million TEU. Over the reporting period, the southeast coast saw throughput increase by seven per cent to 501,800 TEU and the sole port on the southwest coast, Guangxi Qinzhou International Container Terminal experienced an eight per cent decline to 112,000 TEU.
Sources:HKSG Group Media

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