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Qingdao,SCO Summit venue,draws world's attention as sea hub

With the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit to be held there in the coming weekend, the coastal city Qingdao in Shandong Province, east China, has drawn the world’s attention for its crucial hub position. 
As an active participant of the Belt and Road Initiative, Qingdao is a crucial hub for sea and ground transportation. With automated container terminal in the Port of Qingdao and cross-border cargo trains, the efficiency of the city's transportation is greatly admired. 
The automated container terminal has been in operation for about one year, yet its significant advantage in terms of efficiency compared to traditional container terminal has shown. 
The Port of Qingdao designed and developed the system independently, being an integration of technologies such as the Internet of Things, intelligent control, information management, communication and navigation, big data, cloud computing. It automatically generates operational instructions and the on-site robots will follow to complete the tasks -- a process saving 70 percent of the number of laborers compared with the traditional terminal while enhancing operation efficiency by 30 percent. 
"Since the operation of the automated container terminal in the Qingdao Port, our operation volume has continuously increased and so is the number of routes (for sea transportation). It is significant to promoting the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and accelerating China's construction of world-class sea ports," said Yang Jiemin, deputy general director of Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal Company. 
As for ground transportation, goods from the Port of Qingdao will be transported to a shipment center in Jiaozhou (a county-level city of Qingdao), and then to different destinations by trains. 
A cargo train service linking China and Central Asia, for instance, has reduced the transportation time and cost, boosting the Silk Road economic belt and the economies of the countries along the belt. 
"Our cargo from Qingdao Port can arrive in the five countries of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan) after traveling 4,500 kilometers in 15 days. It saves 30 days compared to the traditional transportation by sea. Our clients are very satisfied," Wang Xin, the custom clearance manager at Luqiao International Shipment agency said. 
With good communication, talents from different countries are also coming to Qingdao to serve as a bridge between the city and the world. 
"Since the proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative, we can clearly feel the increasing need for talents, especially in the areas such as new energy, law, language, cross-border e-commerce, transportation, and logistics, as well as talents with experience of management and international background, and their demand is particularly prominent," said Yue Xiuzhe, a human resources professional in Qingdao. 
Qingdao has been sending technology to the world. The high-speed trains assembled by CRRC Qingdao Sifang, for example, have established a broad international market and its services have covered over 20 countries and regions. 
"Through the bond, people from all over the world are connected together through the facility. When we see local people traveling in the train we assembled with a big smile on their faces, the feeling is heartfelt and we are very excited," noted Zhang Xiaoming, Vice Manager of the international affairs department at the CRRC Qingdao Sifang. 

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