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Guangzhou to add two 70,000-ton berths for grain shipment

The Port of Guangzhou, located in the provincial capital of south China's Guangdong Province, launched a massive construction project on Sunday to facilitate grain shipment. 
Two 70,000-ton berths for grain transportation will be built, along with 13 other berths. Upon completion, the annual capacity of the berths will reach 5.6 million tons and 500,000 TEUs (a unit of cargo capacity often used to describe the capacity of container ships and container terminals).
"We'll build two 70,000-ton general berths, four 3,000-ton barge berths, five 2,000-ton container berths, and four wharfs, which will take approximately 30 thirty months to complete," said Hu Shaowen, the manager of the project. 
At the same time, construction of 28 grains silos, with a designed capacity of 280,000 tons, and two barns, with an expected capacity of 148,000 tons, also began. 
Upon completion, the port will have a transporting capacity of 35 million tons of grain, which will tremendously aid in transforming the port into a more important hub for grain transportation.
"Guangdong Province is a major importer of grain, taking in more than 30 million tons each year. More than 90 percent of the grain is carried by ships. So, it is essential to building wharfs especially for grain transportation," said Li Mingzhong, the manager of Xinsha Stevedoring Co., Ltd. 
Data from the official website of the Grain Bureau of Guangdong Province showed that the province consumed 46.90 million tons of grain in 2017, with an average annual increase of one million tons over the past five years. It is estimated that by 2025 the province will consume as many as 53 million tons of grain, compared to an annual output of 14 million tons.

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