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Zhanjiang marine and fishery economy continues to grow

The output value of Zhanjiang marine economy increased by 15.2 percent to reach 144.6 billion yuan ($22.8 billion) in 2017, while its fishery economy was recorded to be worth 44.5 billion yuan, equal to 2016 figure.
Over the previous year, Zhanjiang has continued to push ahead with supply-side structural reform of its fishery sector. Its aquaculture ranked first in the Guangdong province, topping a variety of factors such as health, scaled and standardized development.
Meanwhile, there are four seafaring fishery enterprises and 28 seafaring fishery vessels registered to the city, which have gained access to new fishing grounds through agreements with foreign countries in 2017.
As for infrastructure, Zhanjiang has accelerated the construction of three national, six provincial and five municipal fishing ports to create a fishery economic development zone which integrates trade, sightseeing and disaster prevention. 


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