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Second shipping rout links Taicang with Southeast Asia

The second Southeast Asia shipping route was opened as a container freight liner left Taicang port for Vietnam, Taicang Daily reported recently.
Shanghai Haihua Shippping Co is responsible for the shipping.
With three ships each available for 1020 containers, the enterprise can offer weekly shipping services to Japan's Naha port and Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh port.
This route expands Taicang's shipping channel with the Belt and Road countries and regions and also strengthens Taicang port's role to support regional economic development.
Up to now, 192 container shipping routes have been opened at Taicang port, of which 25 are near-sea routes linked to 21 ports from Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Russia and Taiwan island, 47 are domestic trade route, 80 are inland waterways and the rest are linked to Yangshan port, a deep-water harbor of Shanghai international shipping center.

Sources: chinadaily

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