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Hong Kong among regional ports boosting throughput in Jan

This year’s later Chinese New Year has been mooted as the reason for a boost in throughput at Hong Kong Port, where 1.81m teu were handled – an increase of 9% over the 1.66m teu in January 2017.
The main Kwai Tsing terminals saw throughput increase 5.9% to 1.41m teu as the mid-streaming operations surged 22.9% to 400,000 teu.
Also in January, the Port of Singapore recorded a 14% increase in container throughput to 2.99m teu.
Hong Kong-listed China Cosco Ports saw a 15% rise in throughput across its portfolio of facilities in January. Collectively they handled 7.83m teu during the month under review compared with 6.81m teu a year earlier.
On the Chinese mainland the Bohai Rim region oversaw growth of 16% to 1.38m teu as the Pearl River Delta ports clocked up an increase of 10% to 2.36m teu. The figures reveal a disparity in growth on the Pearl River Delta where Yantian International Container Terminals saw anaemic growth of 0.5% t 1.11m teu in January. The Guangzhou terminals, on the other hand, saw throughput increase 19% to 947,200 teu and the Hong Kong facility surged 17% to 306,100 teu.
CCP did less well at its Yangtze River Delta ports, boosted just 1% to 1.64m teu in January. Southeast Coast ports by contrast rocketed 37% to 479,500 teu. The Southwest Coast port at Guanxi Qinzhou grew volumes by 10% to 102,500 teu.
CCP’s foreign facilities also witnessed healthy growth with a 33% boost to 102,500 teu.


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