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Nanshan terminal set to shorten travel time across straits

Zhanjiang will speed up the construction of the cargo-passenger ro-ro terminal at Nanshan work zone of Xuwen Port to shorten the travel time across the Qiongzhou Straits, pledged Mayor Jiang Jianjun.
The restricted transport handling capability loomed large as thousands of vehicles have been stranded in Hainan province recently after a halt of ferry services on the Qiongzhou Straits due to heavy fog.
Cross-straits travel currently takes about two to three hours, which will be cut to about an hour upon the completion of the cargo-passenger ro-ro terminal. It will not only save shipping costs, but also increase efficiency.
With an investment of 1.2 billion yuan ($180 million), the terminal is expected to handle 3.2 million vehicles and receive 17.28 million passengers per year. The facility will have adequate passenger handling capacity for the next ten years.
Work on the terminal's main section has already been completed. It is estimated that 18 berths will be available during the 2019 Spring Festival travel rush, which will greatly ease the pressure on both the new and old Hai'an Port.


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