作者 赵立帅
罗经差记录是PSC检查的必查项目,如果条件许可要求每个班驾驶员都要测罗经差,若因条件不许可,不能进行测定,值班驾驶员应在《Compass Error book》上记载原因,如:天气状况不适合compass error unable to take due to overcast sky and rain
4.对应信息与《DECK LOG BOOK》不一致。
PSCO如果发现《Compass error book》普遍存上述缺陷时,将会滞留船舶。
How to calculate Gyro Compass Error? 怎么计算罗经差
3.根据记录的时间 通过图书查出格林时角GHA 和天体赤纬DEC 并且修正
4.根据格林时角GHA 和船位经度LONG 计算出地方时角LHA
5.通过地方时角LHA 和纬度LAT 查ABC表并且通过内插计算出A
7.通过A和B 计算出C
8.利用C 和船位的纬度 查C表 计算出太阳真方位
1.For calculation of Gyro Compass error, we need to observe the bearing of Sun (which is called GB) 测出太阳方位GB 并且记录时间
and get the true bearing of Sun (which is called TB) from books.
根据时间和船位计算出太阳真方位 TB
The books we used to get true Azimuth of sun are:
1. The Nautical Almanac – 2024 edition 航海天文历
2. Norie’s Nautical Tables A B C 表
I will explain to you how to get True Bearing of Sun via these books. 通过图书得到太阳真方位
lNow our ship position is 30-08.5S 002-13.2E 现在在位置30-08.5S 002-13.2E
lTime (UTC) is 17:00:00 09/Aug/2024. 时间Time (UTC) is 17:00:00 09/Aug/2024.
1. Obtain correct GHA. 查出格林时角和天体赤纬
The Greenwich hour angle (GHA) and Declination (Dec) of the sun can be got from the Nautical Almanac book, at same time you can get Declination’s d value. Write down on paper. Then apply min and sec correction for GHA, and “d” correction for Declination.
根据日期 如下图 查出格林时角和天体赤纬 记录并且 查改正表 计算出准确值
After correction, you will get your GHA and DEC value. Our correction is 0.0 so final GHA and Dec
are as follows:
GHA = 073-38.6 Dec= 15-33.7 N
2. Obtain correct LHA. 地方时角
LHA = GHA +/- longitude, add if East, sub is West.
格林时角加上经度 (东经用加 西经用减)
So our LHA = 073-38.6 + 002-13.2 = 075-51.8
If LHA > 180, it is East. And if LHA <180, it is West.
地方时角LHA大于180 符号E 地方时角小于180 W
3. Find A, B, C.
Now you have LHA 075-38.6, Latitude 30-08.5S and Declination 15-33.7N.
From Table A: 如图
A=0.14 N (LHA<90, Named opposite to the latitude.)
From Table B: 如图
B=0.29 N (Always named same as the declination.)
A and B have same name, so C=A+B=0.43N
From Table C: 如图
Azimuth=N 69.6W (Name N because C is N and W because the LHA is between 0-180.)
So True bearing is 360-69.6=290.4 太阳真方位290.4
4. Compass Error 计算罗经差
Compass Error = Difference between TRUE Bearing and Observed Gyro Bearing.
(W is TB is less than GB, and E is TB is more than GB.)
Deck Cadet observed the Gyro Bearing of Sun around 290.5, so the gyro error is 0.1W.
5 : 船舶靠泊期间,驾驶员的职责
07-02 来源:厦远船员管理
08-02 来源:信德海事网
10-04 来源:信德海事网 郭建平
01-19 来源:信德海事网
10-13 来源: 连云港海事
06-07 来源: 海丰保险
08-25 来源:雪球
07-24 来源:信德海事网
10-28 来源:信德海事网
08-10 来源:信德海事网