作者:赵运涛 船长
我轮是一条长199.99米宽32.26 米载重量为64K 的散货船,V7125X 航次在上海南港装运27片风电叶片到美国墨西哥湾ARANSAS.最初拿到租家的货物预配图时,脑子一阵蒙,因为先前没有经历过,也没见到过风电叶片放到地上的样子,更想象不到装到船上后的样子。本着学习的态度,紧跟着码头船长一点点摸索,记录并总结。
租家事先准备好了 8 个架子(如上图所示),靠好码头都直接送到船边,并用岸吊吊到船上来。由于每条船甲板的倾斜坡度不一样,这些预制的架子到船上后都得调整到舱盖高度并且保持水平。这就要需要各种调整,钢板底座加厚(如下左图),或者底座改坡度(如下右图),或者为了避开甲板管子挖槽。特别注意的是在油舱位置是不能烧焊的,这就要再想办法各种加固底座。有的位置在油舱外是SLOP TANK,这种情况是可以烧焊的。有的位置则只可焊外侧一条焊缝。油舱位置需要我们船方事先在甲板画出边界线。
完货后马上赶潮水出港,等下了引水才意识到了驾驶台瞭望视线盲区是真的大。虽然在港口期间租家提供了CCTV系统并简单安装,工程师说他自己不懂航海摄像头位置只是随大概 ,预留了很长的线,开航后需要我们提供计算自行调整高度。
Arrangement for extra lookout at the forward lookout station
M.V. OCEAN OUTSATNDINGV2175X Loading deck cargo windmill blades 27 pcs transport from Shanghai, China to Aransas, USA. Navigation bridge visibility is reduced by 9meter-high cargo on the No.1 hatch cover. To modify this situation, our ship prepared 3 plans of arrangement for extra lookout at the forward lookout station.
Plan A:
Operation cabin of No.1 deck crane uses as forward Lookout station. This is asolid safe and humane place, with adequate strength for the foreseeable in preferable weather conditions.
Plan B
A manmade shed has been set on the forecastle deck. To see attached photos.
This can be used in not too bad weather condition.
Plan C
Set one man lookout at the forward mooring station with proper dressing in bad weather he can held himself in forward bosun store for a 5-10minutes interval and keep a good VHF watch and on call.
Meanwhile we have optimized the passage plan to reduce disadvantageous factor.
1. Navigation on lower latitude to reduce the dad weather possibility.
2. Employ a weather service WNI for our whole voyage. We can get weather information in time.
An enhanced bridge team arrangement has been set out and posted on bridge.
The extra forward lookout at the forward station with appropriate means of communication with the bridge team is posted during navigation in restricted visibility, increased traffic, approaching port and all situations when deemed necessary.
Anyway all this plans are assistant means. All my officers and I will keep a sharp lookout all the time and with higher safety awareness in whole voyage to ensure the safety of the ship, cargo and all of crew numbers.
Bridge Team arrangement
The Master must:
• Be satisfied that the experience of the people is appropriate for the intended passage.
• Ensure all team members participate in Bridge Operations
• Dispel any possible belief of a team member that their information may be irrelevant, redundant, or obvious
When on board a pilot will temporarily join the bridge team and must be supported in doing so.
Minimum Bridge Team composition for the following key conditions:
There are normally three watches in a 24 hours period: (ship-specific variations may occur)
• 0000 - 0400 and 1200 - 1600 2nd Officer and a rating
• 0400 - 0800 and 1600 - 2000 Chief Officer and a rating
• 0800 - 1200 and 2000 - 2400 3rd Officer and a rating
Note 1: Where an additional deck officer is carried, the Chief Officer may be relieved of full watch-keeping duties but should take part in a navigational watch on a regular basis to retain navigational watch keeping skills. ADM24 (Scheduled working arrangement form) should reflect these arrangements.
Note 2: In areas of extended restricted passage, restricted visibility, adverse weather and extended pilotages such as river passages, the Bridge Team is to be established to allow for adequate relief and rest, and in such case consideration must be given to the Watch Officers being divided into two teams working alternately, which may include the Master as well.
Note 3: An extra lookout at the forward lookout station with appropriate means of communication with the bridge team is posted during navigation in restricted visibility, increased traffic, approaching port and all situations when deemed necessary.
四. 事实陈述
1. 做好船舶运输作业图纸审核工作
2. 主动配合现场监督检查工作
3. 做好开航前货物的绑扎系固检查
4. 做好航行中的绑扎系固检查工作
5. 参考气导公司提供的信息,制定安全航线
6. 在船舶操纵或船舶避让时避免大舵角转向,避免船舶大幅度横倾而产生的风险。
07-02 来源:厦远船员管理
08-02 来源:信德海事网
10-04 来源:信德海事网 郭建平
07-01 来源:CAPT.ZHAO 大新船务
01-19 来源:信德海事网
08-25 来源:雪球
06-07 来源: 海丰保险
07-24 来源:信德海事网
10-28 来源:信德海事网
10-13 来源: 连云港海事