一、会议简介 第一届大连船舶氢能国际研讨会定于 2021 年 12 月 10 日在线上召开。会议由大连海事大学、大连市氢能产业发展促进协会主办,由大连市新能源船舶技术创新中心、大连海...
2021-12-09 12:01:10 来源: DMU燃料电池
An ICS - Hong Kong Event on General Average be held on 8th Dec, 6pm - 7.15pm HKT
General Average: you, me and the common adventure 8th Dec, 6pm - 7.15pm HKT An ICS - Hong Kong Event Co-organised with: Indian Maritime University, Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group and Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration. Supporti...
2021-12-08 09:59:13 来源:信德海事网
时间: 16:00PM19:00PM 2021年12月2日 地址: 香港中环花园道3号Eaton Club Central 5 楼(现场) SPLASH 24/7 WMMF 航商直播吧(在线) 简介: 船长桌创新挑战赛是香港领先的国际竞标比赛,专注于海事航运...
2021-12-01 20:34:00 来源:信德海事网
活动报名 | 启航绿色未来,邀你赴一场海事盛会
英国国际贸易部将于 12 月 8 日组织启航绿色未来:中英海事创新论坛,通过中英两国海事领域嘉宾的观点碰撞,分享英国在海事、船舶领域的先进技术和管理经验,推动中英两国绿色航...
2021-12-01 12:28:46 来源:英国贸易投资总署ICT简讯
★会议背景★ 2020年,新冠肺炎疫情严重影响船舶安全管理工作的正常开展,国际海事组织陆续发布了应对措施,以保证海上人员健康和船舶航行安全。在船舶安全监督领域各大港口国...
2021-11-25 19:57:48 来源:信德海事网
★会议背景★ 2020年,新冠肺炎疫情严重影响船舶安全管理工作的正常开展,国际海事组织陆续发布了应对措施,以保证海上人员健康和船舶航行安全。在船舶安全监督领域各大港口国...
2021-11-18 16:16:53 来源:信德海事网
A key part of the worlds most influential gathering for the energy sector, the ADIPEC Smart Manufacturing Exhibition and Conference will bring together energy, manufacturing and high-tech industry leaders to redefine the future of productio...
2021-11-17 09:49:28 来源:信德海事网
2021二手船买卖青岛论坛 2021 Ship Sale Purchase Seminar 新冠疫情对全球航运市场的冲击仍在延续,会持续多久始终是航运市场的热门话题之一。在二手船买卖市场上不断创纪录的交易令人眼花...
2021-11-17 09:00:10 来源:BIMCO上海
The 28th World Gas Conference will be held on 23-27 May 2022 in Daegu, Korea
The WG2022, conducted by the International Gas Union (IGU) since 1931, is the worlds largest and most important global gas and energy industry event. Every three years thousands of industrial and political leaders, gas executives, specialis...
2021-11-16 16:58:14 来源:信德海事网
Hear from over 25 global energy ministers speaking in-person at ADIPEC 2021, book your delegate pass
Taking place immediately after the conclusion of COP26, global energy ministers will take to the stage, in-person between 15-18 November, in Abu Dhabi, to discuss the most pertinent topics around global energy dynamics, the irrefutable need...
2021-11-09 16:58:54 来源:信德海事网
碳达峰、碳中和 目标下LNG贸易与海运 11月6日,以碳达峰、碳中和目标下LNG贸易与海运为主题的2021年第三届上海国际LNG海运论坛在东方蓝宝石举办。 此次论坛由中国远洋海运集团有限公...
2021-11-07 18:39:48 来源:信德海事网
第十一届油轮运输市场峰会 2021年 12月6-7日 中国●上海 会议背景 油轮运输市场 去年,全球油轮运输市场经历了大起大落的过山车式行情。2021年上半年,国际油价表现强劲、跑赢了通胀...
2021-11-06 19:52:24 来源:信德海事网
泛亚电商 | 双十一预热!限时超大福利即将开启
三大预热活动等你来 预热活动一 / 预订产品得保障 活动时间: 2021年11月1日-2021年11月10日 预售产品 保证用箱 保证舱位 活动细则: 活动期间,泛亚电商平台每天精选部分中远期航线产...
2021-11-05 10:12:13 来源:信德海事网
HKMW2021/ ICS-HK Event / 5th Nov
The Hong Kong Branch of the Chartered Shipbrokers is pleased to invite you to the panel discussion( flyer ) on the 5th November 2021 from 6pm - 7.15pm . The event will be held in the hybrid format as follows: In person (all going well): ICS...
2021-11-02 10:47:46 来源:xinde marine news
HKMW 2021: ICS-HK and HKJB Joint Event / 4th November 10am - 12pm
The Hong Kong Branch of the Chartered Shipbrokers is pleased to invite you to the ICS-HK and HKJB Joint Event ( flyer ) on the 4th November 2021 from 10am 12pm . The event will be held in the hybrid format as follows: Technological Commerci...
2021-11-01 11:50:54 来源:xinde marine news