作为2019 伦敦国际航运周(London International Shipping Week,LISW) 的一部分,由英国国际贸易部主办,伦敦华人航运协会(CSAL) 将与Maritime London (ML) 以及信德海事网携手举办英中海事服务论坛。

10:00 登记签到
10:15 欢迎致辞
10:40 嘉宾演讲和对话环节——面对新公约、新技术、新挑战,中英两国港航、金融、保险、法律等业界代表进行演讲和对话交流,寻求合作发展空间。
13:00 交流午宴&B2B会议
14:30 前往RFA Lyme Bay 出席“海事技术展”&轮船招待酒会
注:1. 如有嘉宾欲参与B2B会议,请提前将议题告知我们;
2. 由于招待酒会场地、名额有限,因此我们将依照报名顺序进行安排,名额已满,不能参与者,还请谅解。
一, “2020 限硫政策以及合作应对航运中的气候变化挑战”
将重点关注IMO 全球2020 限硫规定、探索新技术,新型燃料及其他创新型解决方案,为如何实现低碳航运提供答案。该组对话将涵盖中国船东和运营商在IMO2020 限硫令生效前采取何种合规措施,还将确定和讨论英中之间在通往绿色航运的道路上开展合作的潜力。
二, “航运数字化: 英国如何对中国航运业采取新技术给予支持”
Global Trade Hub at London International Shipping Week
UK-China Maritime Services Exchange
TheUK-China Maritime Services Exchangeevent will bring together leading representatives from the Chinese shipping sector and UK experts from the maritime services sector to discuss two of the most topical issues affecting the maritime industries today. It will also offer an opportunity for UK and Chinese companies to discuss potential collaboration in a scheduled face-to-face meeting at a dedicated venue, with translating services available on request, and over a networking lunch at the end of the event.
The first session – ‘Sulphur Cap and beyond: the need for collaboration in addressing the climate change challenge in shipping’ – will focus on the implementation of the IMO’s global 2020 sulphur cap regulation and also will provide an opportunity to explore a new generation of technologies, future fuels and other innovative solutions to provide answers to the question of how to decarbonise shipping. This panel will cover how Chinese ship owners and operators are preparing to meet the IMO’s 2020 deadline. It will also identify and discuss the potential for collaboration between the UK and China in working on a pathway to a greener shipping industry.
During the second session – ‘Digitalisation of shipping: how the UK expertise can support the adoption of new technologies within the Chinese shipping sector’ – leaders in the marine tech, consultancy, legal and insurance industries from the London market and China will explore blockchain, big data, virtual reality, AI and automation, all of which are revolutionising the way the shipping industry operates. Blockchain is speeding up and automating time intensive transactional processes. The utilisation of big data is providing underwriters and claim handlers with more information to accurately understand the nature of risk and analyse vessel data when assessing a casualty, in an increasingly complex market. Virtual
reconstructions can replay events leading up to a marine casualty, speeding up the claims and dispute resolution process. The panel will also consider the challenges and opportunities of operating an increasingly automated global fleet.