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Another Chinese Shipping company Expands into Arctic Route

On September 9, 2024, Shanghai Dahua Shipping(Chinese name:上海大华海运) launched its first Arctic voyage with the Panamax bulk carrier PORTIA(IMO9283980). This marks the company’s entry into the Arctic shipping lane, an exciting milestone for the Shanghai-based firm that was established in 2019. With branches in Canada, Vietnam, and Russia, and a fleet of over 20 vessels, Shanghai Dahua Shipping is positioning itself as a key player in this emerging route.

While the maiden voyage is still underway, company officials have expressed their commitment to further investment and analysis of the Arctic route. This move signals Shanghai Dahua Shipping's ambitions to tap into new opportunities and strengthen its operational capabilities in the region. 

by Xinde Marine News Chen Yang

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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