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INTERCARGO condemns deadly attacks on bulk carriers

Following news that a seafarer has died and another has been seriously injured in the latest Houthi attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea area, INTERCARGO, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners, extends its heartfelt sympathy to the seafarers, their families and the ship operator companies who have experienced these attacks.
INTERCARGO unequivocally condemns in the strongest terms the actions of any party deliberately targeting innocent civilian seafarers and ships peacefully sailing through international waters.
We demand that all involved parties cease their deliberate and targeted attacks on innocent seafarers with immediate effect. In addition, we urge all States to further enhance maritime security in this region.
INTERCARGO reminds the world that seafarers and global shipping kept the world fed and warm during the pandemic, irrespective of politics. It is the world's moral duty to protect seafarers.


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